Today’s bento; ham and peas fried rice and perkedel jagung dicetak pake cetakan cookie….tapi rada2 gosong :'( karena ditinggal chatting kekeke
Here I post the perkedel jagung recipe from my own imagination kekeke (berusaha nginget2 resep ibu dirumah seh) – 2 corn cob/1 can corn – 1 shallot slices – 1 garlic slices – 1 egg – 1 spring onion – salt – pepper
– Crushed the corn with food processer. – Add all ingredients and mix nicely. – Fry until golden brown.
Then on the snackie box; mandarine orange, bun with cream cheese and choco sprinkle filling, mini donut and mini white chocolate cup.A
 Egg salad bun
– 1 wholewheat bun – salad leaves – cheese slices
For the egg salad – 1 boiled egg – 1 tbs mayonnaise – some black pepper Mix all together
– Assemble the bun to form a sandwich π
The other thing that I had there; Corn salad (corn mixed with shredded cheese and mayonnaise), tomatoes. Then in the snack box; 3 plums, rice crackers, 1 mini donut, 1 small bowl of blackberry self harvested in the bushes down the road….hahaha (they are a bit tad expensive here too π )
Saw this recipe in Bunda’s Corner blog, found out that she also saw it on video jug. So I tried the recipe straight from there.
I have to say it was rather too lemony…too sour for my taste bud. Next time will reduce the amount of the lemon juice to half and omit the lemon zest. Maybe it will suit my taste buds better π
Ingredients: – 1 egg beaten – 1 tsp asian seasoning (don’t know what is this suppose to mean so I skipped this) – 4 chicken breast (I used 500gr tv-stick, that’s what they call those small chicken thighs here) – 65 gr cornstarch (I used ready made tepung bumbu) – 45 ml chicken stock – 90 ml lemon juice – 1 big chili chopped – 2 tbs soy sauce – 1 tbs brown sugar (I used normal white sugar) – 2 tsp lemon zest – 3 tsp oil for frying the chicken (wow dikit amat buat goreng ayam segitu…so aku pake fryer aja) – 1.5 tsp cornstarch dissolved in 1 tbs water – 2 tsp ginger minced – 1 garlic minced – 3 spring onions, sliced diagonally – 1 tbs sesame seeds toasted (didn’t use it…kelewatan kakaka) – handful fresh coriander chopped (idem ama diatas π )
– Coat chicken with tepung bumbu and beaten egg, repeat this process twice if you want to get crispier coating. – Fry the chicken until golden brown. – Make the sauce. Combine chicken stock, lemon juice, soy sauce, sugar, lemon zest and chili. Mix vigourously. – Heat oil and fry ginger, garlic for 30 seconds. – Add lemon sauce let it until boil. – Add cornstarch dissolved in water, mix nicely. – Add fried chicken, stir fry for 2 minutes. – Add spring onions, coriander and sesame seeds (if you are using it) – Serve with warm rice.
 Actually wanted to make rice balls. BUT of course it’s not me if there’s nothing wrong. The rice was too dry to make any shape :'( So ganti jurusan….buat sandwich aja. The filling was ham and cheese. Then there were; chicken nugget (again!! emang kekurangan ide apa ga punya bahan π ) Then another bowl of diced salami with shredded cheese (kalo yang ini beneran mengarang bebas hehehe), strawberries, some salad leaves and rolled ham. Then for the snack box; mandarine orange, biscuit, plum, candies and choco bar. Kesannya kok banyak bener ye…Tapi kan ini bukan buat anak-anak. Buat Meneer Belanda yang jelas-jelas orangnya gede pastinya makannya lebih banyak daripada orang Indonesia… Hehehe peace honey π
Many thanks to Mbak Rita Bellnad….your bentos are truly an inspiration. Kapan bisa buat seperti mbak ya π
 Ever had an urge to bake something but couldn’t find a nice recipe that fits your desire? Well I had that this Friday night. At first wanted to make sponge cake then black forest cake. Spent 2 hours browsing still no recipe’s caught my mind yet. Oooo time is running late…So decided to make something simple that required no baking at all but still satisfy my needs of baking…Halah bahasane opo iki ra ngerti wis π
I made up this recipe. A cross between tiramisu, no bake cheese cake and triffle. Why? Because I want to finish up the cream cheese and whipped cream in the fridge. The cream cheese was from making cream cheese frosting for cupcake and the whipped cream was from making Japanese cheese cake. As you know we cant keep them long after opening the package.
Strawberry Orange Triffle
Ingredients: – 1/2 pack lady finger or sponge cake – 1 cup coffee – 3 tbs orange liquor such as grand marnier or cointreau – 2 tsp sugar – 250ml whipped cream – 125 gr cream cheese – 50 gr icing sugar – 1 can mandarine orange – 250 gr strawberry
– Arrange half lady fingers in a bottom of a flat deep dish. – Mixed well coffee with liquor and sugar. – Sprinkle half of the coffee mixture on lady fingers. – Whipped cream and add cream cheese and icing sugar – Spread half whipped cream mixture on top of lady finger – Arrange mandarine orange on top of whipped cream – Repeat this one more time – Last arrange strawberry on top

Memberanikan diri ikut suatu event yang diadain ama mbak Dita dengan judul studio. Ini HFP #3 yang udah beliau launch…cieh gaya bahasaku kok mengerikan banget sih π Sebenernya ga PD tapi kalo ga PD mulu kapan majunya kekeke…. so here we go…
 I like to take pictures in this dining table in the living room (we have one room for living and dining π ) because of the big window. Not that I have other choices of place as we live in a 2nd floor apartment so :s no outdoor studio for me. There’s lots of daylight over there. But still during the day when the weather is bad and that’s usual for Holland :p it’s very difficult to get good lighting. When I have bad days what can I do…. I just use the dining room’s light which resulted in yellowish picture :'( Yah ginilah nasib fotografer amatiran……
 This is one picture that is yellowish :s and that is Whitty the kitten intruding the photo shoot because of the chicken nuggets. Hehehe Whitty go down before Peter knows that his food has been sniffed by you.
And this is the latest photo shoot in my studio odong-odong. Strawberry Orange Trifle.
 Ini pizza jadi-jadian hehehe. Because I was too lazy to make my own pizza dough :p So I bought pre-made pizza base at the supermarket which was quite cheap π Then for the topping I added; tomato sauce, champignon mushrooms, salami, paprika, onion and shredded Gouda cheese. Bake it in the oven at 220 Celcius for 15 minutes. Lekker!!!!
Found some funny punchers in Blokker…Yuhuu then I could make some nori accessories :D:D
My second attempt at making bento. This time it’s nasi goreng with “cow’s eye egg” aka telor mata sapi, chicken nugget, tomatoes. And for snack box; ready made cupcake but I put some icing and streusel on it π raisin biscuit, plum, Japanese rice crackers that Peter got from his friend in Japan and some ting ting jahe.
Down side, I hate night time, there’s no good natural lighting. Lighting with the lamps arent bad bad!!! (read: I’m just an amateur not a pro π ) So sorry people enjoy this yellowish picture. Any suggestions on how using lamps as lighting are more than welcome π
 Looking at those bento mothers made for their children made me wanted to make the them as well. But I got no children…then what am I gonna do?? sobs….then eh I got no children but I got someone who goes to office everyday…hihihi…..so here we are…Thank you schatie for being my loyal food guinea pig :p
The mie goreng was leftover from mie ayam for dinner without the broth of course. Then I made a heart omelette and rolled omelette with salad leaves. The heart shape was from a heart cookie cutter. Stupid me of course forgot to put some oil onto the cookie cutter so I had some trouble getting the omelette out of the cutter :p
As for the snack box I had; 1 plum, 2 butter cookies, 3 candies (people here adult or children love these kind of soft candies) and 1 piece of cake.
 I love bakso!! But then again ask Indonesian, who doesn’t love bakso. If they say they don’t then I have to ask them again whether they are real Indonesian or not :p
But I can’t make my own meat balls :(( but they say “many roads to Rome” kekeke kok kalo diterjemahin ke bahasa Inggris jadi aneh ya :p So I bought pre-made meat balls and make the soup myself. Recipe is from my father back home who also a big fan of bakso.
Feel free to add tahu goreng, tahu rebus, pangsit goreng, pangsit rebus just don’t add chocolate sprinkles then I don’t think it would match. lol
Recipe for the bakso soup: – 1 beef bone preferably knee bone – 5 garlic, smashed – salt and pepper as desired – spring onion sliced
– Boil bone with garlic, salt and pepper approximately 3 hours!!! The longer the better. – Add spring onion. – Serve with meat balls, tahu goreng, anything you fancy. – Sprinkle with spring onion and fried onion. – Add sambal and kecap manis as desired.
My First Award, Thank You!
Whittycute Foodie Event
Click here to see the round up!