
Wantan (Pangsit) Goreng

Ok call me stupid or whatever. You supposed to use mince chicken for the actual recipe. But the chicken in the freezer was too much just to make some wantan. So I found what I thought Mince beef. Thawed it, smelled it and hahaha it turned out to be corned beef. Oh….really should have put writing on all the plastic bag in the freezer. When you put them inside the freezer you still know what it is but once it is frozen, they all look the same. Don’t want to waste the corned beef and wasting more time I just make do with that. The result was still really nice. This recipe is from my father but I add sesame oil in the end. Lekker.

– Some wantan skins for deep frying
– 200gr mince chicken
– 3 garlic, minced
– 1 tbs kecap manis
– 1 tsp oyster sauce
– 1 tbs kecap asin
– salt
– pepper
– 1 tbs sesame oil
– 2 spring onion sliced thinly

– Mix minced chicken with all other ingredients.
– Assemble wantan the way you like it.
– Deep fry until golden brown.

Nice as snack with saus sambal also as condiment for bakso and mie ayam.

Japanese Cheese Cake

This cheese cake has caught my eyes for some time since I do this food blog walking. It’s basically everywhere in all Indonesian’s food blog. So I thought what’s the fuss all about, let’s give it a try then. I read the recipes and instructions plus tips really really carefully at this blog. One big problem that my oven is small! So I decided to make only half of the recipe. Then come another problem, don’t have the right pan for the au-bain marie. Got to make do with what I have. It says on the tip that the pan you use for the au-bain marie has to be shorter than the pan for the batter. Heh but I only got two loaf pans and they are just about the same height. Sigh….panic-mode-on. Then Peter got an idea, to put something inside the au-bain marie pan, so the pan for batter is higher. So we make do with two silicone muffin inside then pan. One problem solved, another problem came. The oven got too hot, after 45 mins the cake got brown already on top. Uh oh put the temperature down. Later on I found out from Peter’s mother that when using electric’s oven put the temperature 20C lower because electric oven tends to get too hot after some time, esp. if it was small. Allright then after 75 minutes as the recipes said the cake was still not done. Hmm thinking what could be wrong?? Oh the water was almost not touching the batter pan, so added some more hot water. After 120 minutes finally the cake was done. It was beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚ I decorated it with mandarine oranges and to stick them on the cake I used a kind of jelly. But of course you can do it with apricot glaze like the original recipe. We brought it to Peter’s parents and we had tea there. They really liked the cake. I personally like it too, it was soft, cottony, not too sweet, not too rich cheese taste. Definitely will make it again.

(Source: 35 Cheesecake Recipes Variation by Yasaboga)

Mix and sift:
50 gr flour (all purpose)
50 gr cornstarch

– 60 gr unsalted butter
– 250 gr cream cheese, at room temperature
– 120 ml whipping cream
– 5 egg yolks
– 2 tsp grated lemon rind
– 5 egg whites
– 1/8 tsp salt
– 125 gr castor sugar
– 1 tsp lemon juice

2 Tbs apricot glaze or jam
2 Tbs water

– Line the bottom of a round 22cm spring form with baking grease with butter or margarine and sprinkle flour on the surface.
– Heat the oven at 150 degree celcius.
– Put together in a sauce pan: butter, cream cheese and whipping cream. Cook au-bain marie on low heat, stir with a wisk until butter and cream cheese melted and nicely combined.
– Wait until the mixture is not so hot. Mix in flour mixture, blend well. Stir in yolks, blend well. Stir in grated lemon rind, blend well, set aside.
– Beat the egg whites until frothy, beat in sugar and lemon juice gradually while continue beating until it forms soft peaks.
– Spoon 1/3 of egg whites batter into cream cheese mixture, blend well. Fold in this batter to the remaining egg whites batter, blend well. Pour batter into round spring form pan, bake au bain marie (water bath) for approximately 75 minutes until the surface is golden yellow in color, and a tooth pick insert in the cake comes out clean, . Remove from oven, let cool.
– After the cake is completely cooled, transfer cake onto plate. Mix apricot glaze/jam and water, heat until all mix well. Brush the cake surface with this glaze, let cool.

Happy Birthday Ruud

Happy Birthday Ruud!!! lang zal hij leven, lang zal hij leven, lang zal hij leven in de gloria!!!! Bagi yang di Indo, nyanyiin lagunya musiknya sama dengan lagu panjang umurnya…. It’s funny huh that those two songs have the same music. Now who’s stealing from who?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

For Ruud’s B’day party I made this cupcake. Since he is a football fan and computer freak so this is my interpretation of things related to him. And pleeeaseee people do not laugh seeing my cupcake!! Gw kan cuma pembuat cupcake jadi2an kekeke :p Cupcakes on top were suppose to look like football ๐Ÿ˜› then the other two were suppose to resemble grass and football. But since I couldn’t find chocolate balls that looks exactly like football so I made do with those silver balls. Then the cupcakes in the bottom are supposed to look like laptop, @ sign and Mac Apple sign. All the drawings in the cupcakes are made by my personal artist ๐Ÿ™‚Some girls from the party. From left to right; Sarah, Ruud’s mother, Olivia, Me, Lusi, Dina

My plate at the party. Rendang was made by me ๐Ÿ™‚ using secret recipe….hahaha devil-laugh-mode-on. Then there were mie goreng, perkedel and sate ayam. Surprisingly all made by Olivia and Ruud. Hey Liv I thought you said you couldn’t cook!!! You could after all. Only the cap cay was from the local Chinese Restaurant.

Tuna Salad

It’s summer and what’s more nicer than a light summer salad to accompany the warm day. I got this recipe from Aller Hande, it’s a free magazine from Albert Heijn, a big chain of supermarket in Holland. And of course with my own modification with what I have in the kitchen ๐Ÿ™‚

For 2 persons

– 2 eggs boiled and sliced

– 2 potatoes boiled and sliced

– 1 red onion in ring (I used white onion)
– a handful of green beans boiled
– 1 tomatoes sliced

– 1 tuna steak baked (didn’t have it so I used tuna in a can instead)
– Black olive without pit (didn’t have it)
– Capers (didn’t have it either)

Salad dressing:
– Juice from 1 lemon

– 3 tbs olive oil

– Salt
– Pepper

– Mix all the ingredients for dressing nicely.
– Arrange salad in a plate.
– Pour dressing over.

Goodbye Putu……………..

Our friend Putu is going home this Friday to Bali. So her host family organized a surprise farewell party. We got there at 2.30pm but Putu was not there yet because she and an appointed friend was still out of the house. By 3pm finally they arrived and she was in for a big surprised. A nice surprised indeed. And as expected there were some tears but lots more of laughter. Goodbye Putu, heel veel success and I’m sure we will meet again either here or in Bali….or other places, you never know where the winds bring you. ๐Ÿ™‚

From left; Putu from Tilburg, Yeni, Putu who is going home, Me, Eni

And of course it wouldn’t be complete without my cupcake, the wannabe cupcake maker ๐Ÿ˜› Ok people now don’t laugh….I couldn’t draw at all!!! So I appointed my very own artist aka Peter to do the drawing. The far right in the corner was meant to be suitcase if you guys are trying really hard to think what picture is that :p and in the bottom is a plane…yes it is a plane. While the two flags are supposed to represent Dutch and Indonesian flag :p

Pasta Aglio Olio e Peperocino

For 2 persons

– 200gr thin pasta i.e spaghetti

– 5 cloves garlic mashed
– 1/2 dried red chili (or more depending on your taste buds)

– 5 tbs olive oil (or more depending on your taste buds ๐Ÿ™‚ )

– Salt
– Pepper
– Grated Parmesan
– Fresh or dried basil or Italian mixed spices

– Boil pasta according to direction until al dente, keep warm.
– Heat up olive oil in a pan add chili and garlic.
– Fry until garlic is fragrant and golden brown.
– Add pasta stir thoroughly.
– Sprinkle salt, pepper, basil.
– Serve with grated Parmesan.

Indian Chicken, Potato and Peas Curry

Bought some ready made naan bread the other day so I thought lets make Indian Curry. Looked up some recipe on the net and found a good one here. Originally chicken curry should be just with chicken while potato and peas is another kind of dish called Aloo Mutter. But whatever I’m too lazy to make two dishes at one time :p I served this curry with Naan bread, rice and cucumber raita.

Indian Chicken, Potato and Peas Curry

– 200gr chicken breast cubed

– 200gr potatoes cubed
– A handful of peas
– 1 large onion sliced thin
– 2 large tomatoes diced
– 2 tbs garlic paste
– 1 tbs ginger paste
– 2 tsp coriander powder
– 1 tsp cumin powder
– 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
– 1/2 tsp chili powder
– 2 tsp garam masala powder
– 4 tbs vegetable oil
– 1 cup water
– chopped coriander to garnish

– Heat up the cooking oil and fry onion until golden brown.
– Add chicken cubed, stir fry until chicken turns color.
– Add the rest of the ingredients.
– Add water and cover for 15 minutes or until the chicken and potatoes are done.
– Sprinkle chopped coriander.
– Serve immediately.

Cucumber Raita

– 1 cup of yoghurt
– Half cucumber finely shredded
– 1/2 tsp cumin
– 1/2 tsp chili powder
– some salt

– Whisked yoghurt until smooth
– Add cucumber and salt, mix well
– Sprinkle with cumin and chili powder

Folkert and Ria Wedding Party

On Wednesday, 25th June 2008 we were invited to a friend’s Wedding. It was held in his parent’s house in Weert, Limburg. It was about 1.5 hours with the car. The groom is our dear friend Folkert and the bride name’s Ria. The party was outdoor of course since it’s still nice summer weather. All the guests were lovely, we were sitting in the garden, lots of drinks, nice conversations, lots of photo making in between of course ๐Ÿ˜‰

This was my plate at the party…Hmm yummy Indonesian food. I chose white rice, nasi goreng, mackerel fish in hot sauce, tofu and vegetable, lumpia, perkedel, rendang and sapi in kecap sauce.

This is us in Indonesian costume theme ๐Ÿ˜› Peter was wearing batik we bought in Bali last year and me was wearing kebaya from my graduation 2 years ago…lol

The rijsttafel or the buffet. Looks very inviting.

Folkert and Ria cutting their wedding cake. Gefeliciteerd for both of you and many many years of happiness together ๐Ÿ™‚

My Little Strawberry Bush

I bought this little strawberry bush at a supermarket chain. I really like berries andย that bush was on saleย so Iย thought I give a summer plant to the appartment.

Pink and Purple Cupcake

For Dina’s b’day party I made 20 mini cupcakes. I got the recipes from the same book that I used before from Sue McMahon but this time I made different taste with orange zest and chocolate sprinkles.

I got an insider info that Dina likes purple color so I made her pink and purple cupcake. I really like the result as it is really girly color ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again Maki and Cupcake Momma for the inspiration.