 Peter likes to eat muesli and yoghurt for his breakfast so to add a little bit of twist of his usual muesli breakfast I made this. it’s really easy; first layer the glass with a dollop of honey, add another dollop of yoghurt, add some tablespoon of your favorite muesli, another dollop of yoghurt and at last garnish with some fruit you have in hand i.e. mandarine, strawberry, blueberry, banana etc.
 Ingredients: – 100 gr ground beef – 1/2 chopped onion – 1 garlic minced – 1/2 tsp chili powder – 1/2 tsp cumin – 1/2 tsp salt – 1/4 tsp pepper – 1 can refried beans – 1 can sweet corn – some jalapeno chili – shredded lettuce – 4 flour tortilla – sour cream – shredded cheese
– Fry onion and garlic until fragrant. – Stir in ground beef until it turns color. – Add chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper. – Stir until the beef is done. – Warm up the tortilla according to the package. – Arrange all the ingredients on the tortilla as you fancy 😉
Recipe originally from here with my own modification.
Today to raise the occasion that we have a new cat, I made a special cupcake. Naah that is just nonsense, I have made a plan to make this cupcake last week because I just bought this on ebay.12-piece cupcake decorating set from wilton 😀 😀 it contains 8 disposable decorating bags, tip 1 M, 22, 12, 8 and 230.
Then for the recipe I used chocolate cupcake from this book. Cupcakes by Sue McMahon.
As for the baking cups I used a nice cup that I bought in ebay. They look similar like that nice cup at cupcake momma. I tried and tried to find the very same stuff but unfortunately nobody sells that online :s
And here is the result. I am very happy with the 1 M tip, the recipe it’s very moist in the inside and the baking cup is also nice 🙂 For the topping I used normal buttercream and summer fruit; strawberry taken from my own little strawbrery bush, fresh cherry and mandarine orange.   
Got a nice recipe from this book.

Original recipe title is Steamed Sea Bass but since I didn’t steam nor using the Sea Bass so I changed my own title 😛

– 2 Chinese dried mushroom (I used fresh shitake which is my fave. mushroom) – 1 Medium sized Sea Bass (I used fish fillet, any kind of white fish will do nicely) – 2 slices Ginger root – 2 Spring onions – 50 gr Cooked ham (Didn’t use this) – 3 tbs Dry Sherry – 2 tbs Soy Sauce – 1 tsp Sugar – 1 tsp Salt
ps : I also added 1 big chili for my own personal spicy tastebud
– Slice mushroom, ginger, spring onions, chili. – Place the fish in a oven safe dish. – Arrange mushroom, ginger and chili on top of the fish. – Mix together dry sherry, soy sauce, sugar and salt. – pour over the fish. – Oven for 15-20 minutes on 190C. – Serve immediately with white rice.

 Finally my very own white cat, just like witi and kito 😀
 Hesti, my friend who lives in Belgium visited this weekend and we have decided to cook something that we never make before. And since I just bought a new electric grill so we decided to make something with that. After some thought we or rather her came up with an idea, Ikan Bakar or Grilled Fish, and since she really likes Ikan Bakar ala Jimbaran so that‘s what we will make or at least try 😉
Why Ikan Bakar ala Jimbaran is so popular that’s not what I’m gonna discuss any further. Anyone who has been to Bali must know what I mean and never miss the chance to go there while they are in Bali. Funny thing is eventhough I had been living in Bali for more than 20 years I have been there only once in my life…hahaha…and that was because my friend Halimah and her husband from Germany visited Bali and invited me to have dinner there. Reason why I never been there? Thing is I feel that Jimbaran place is a bit expensive for me hahaha. Other reason is because raw fishes are abundant in Bali and relatively cheap also, plus my parents love grilling fish. I remember they like to do it at least once every other week. So I don’t find the reason to go to Jimbaran at all.
First of all has to go to the Saturday market because there where the fishes are fresh and relatively cheaper than the supermarket. Besides if you want to find a whole fish, meaning a fish with its head, fin etc then the market is the right place to go since supermarket most of the time only has fillet fish. After looking at many kind of fishes at the fish stall and a bit overwhelmed since the kind of fishes are so different from the kind of fishes in Bali we decided to get Schartong since it’s not so pricey at 5.5 euro per kilo while other fishes was up to 14.50 euro per kilo (ouch that’s expensive). Got two fishes which was 1.2 kilo, also got 3 pieces of Tiger Prawn, now they are pricey at 1.75 euro per 100gr. Told the fish men to clean the fish. But since I didn’t know that cleaning fish here means get rid of the head also so my fishes were headless when I opened it at home. Hiks that’s a big loss for Indonesian since we like to eat fish head. It’s not that there are many meat there but it’s the same like when you eat chicken with bone or beef oxtail, the way of eating it is so challenging.
 Back Home, after recovering from the shock that my fishes were headless (now that is a bit hyperbolic) we started to make marinade for the fish, prawn and tofu that I bought yesterday. I got this recipe from my mother back home; – shallots – garlic – big chili – turmeric – ginger – lime leaves – salt – lime juice – oil grind them nicely until smooth either with a pestle and mortar or with a electric food processor. the amount of the ingredients just follow your heart 🙂 Spread them nicely over the fish, tofu, prawn or whatever you fancy (but don’t try to spread them over your shoes 😛 ) then put them in the fridge for at least 1 hour. The longer the better.
Then while you are waiting for the fish to marinade, make other stuff. We decided to make Rice, Plecing Kangkung, Sambal Matah and Sambal Kecap to accompany the grilled fish, prawn and tofu. Those condiments are also typical for Ikan Bakar Jimbaran.
Plecing Kangkung got this recipe after trying to remember very hard about my best friend recipe in Bali 😉 – A bunch of kangkung – Shallots – Garlic – Tomato – Big chili – Eye bird chili – Dried Shrimp Paste – Salt – Sugar –
Kaffir lime
How to make: – Boil kangkung until tender. – Boil other spices for 3mins except dried shrimp paste, salt, sugar and kaffir lime. – Smooth the spices either with a pestle and mortar or with a kitchen processor. – Add the rest of spices. – Mixed the spices with kangkung.
Sambal Matah This sambal is a real Balinese sambal so all Balinese should know how to make it. I got this recipe also from my best friend. – Shallots – Garlic – Lemon Grass – Kaffir lime leaves – Bird eye chili – Dried shrimp paste – Kaffir lime – Salt – Black pepper – Coconut oil traditionally made (but since it is not available here, I just used normal sunflower oil and surprisely the taste was just fine)
 How to make: – Chopped shallots, garlic, lemon grass, bird eye chili. – Mixed all the ingredients together.
Sambal Kecap – Shallots – Bird eye chili – Tomato – Lime juice – Kecap manis – Kecap asin
How to make: – Chopped shallots, bird eye chili, tomato. – Mixed all the ingredients together.
All the result was just like we had hoped for, tasty Balinese meal….just some stuff were missing…the beach, coconut trees and the sunset 😀

Today I made pancake for lunch with Berend. This Dutch kind of pancake is different from American one. While American pancake is thick Dutch kind is thin more like a French Crepe. We made some varieties; with chocolate sprinkles, cheese and banana. But I only managed to take picture of this one with banana.
Ingredients: – 5 tbs all purpose flour – 1 egg – 2 tbs sugar – 1/2 tsp salt – 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar – Banana, chocolate sprinkles, cheese or anything you fancy
How to make: – Mixed all ingredients until it’s smooth either using a whisk or a hand mixer. – Melt a little bit of butter in a pan and pour the batter. – Put the topping on top just before the pancake batter got dry. – Flip over and cook until its done.
Every year the Indonesian community represented by Tong tong foundation holds an event called Pasar Malam Besar. This year it was for 12 days from 21st May – 1st June 2008. It’s a really nice place to be especially when you miss your hometown. You can find anything here; traditional music and dance performance, theater, cooking show, photo exhibitions even some government department such as the tourism had a stand to promote Visit Indonesia 2008. We can also find basic bazaar staple; textiel, handycraft, food, souvenirs, books...they all came all the way from Indonesia. So prepare to bring huge stacks of euro 😉
As for us, we got some stuff that I bought there, ok some is not the word as they are; durian, kelapa muda, spekkoek, sate kambing and sate ayam, martabak asin, batik top, batik shirt, kebaya, kripik paru (which Peter finds weird 😛 ), a small indonesian flag sticker saying ‘indonesia’, tabloid saji (so surprise that I could find it there) and the last on the way out after digging in really deep in our wallet a small bird eye chili tree 😀
Here are some of my findings, enjoy and I will definitely come again next year. Banana tree at the entrance hall. Yummy pisang goreng…hmmm heel erg lekker.
One of the food stall, look at the Balinese Barong on the ceiling. The central stage where you can watch music and dance performance. Jajanan pasar yang menggugah selera. Kucing-kucing from Bali 🙂 Sate kambing at one of the stall. Enough to satisfy my craving. Piles of kelapa muda…hmm enjoy this while closing your eyes and imagine that you are sitting by the beach in Bali. Peter took a pose with the ondel-ondel and the 5 euro Bali shirt that he just bought.
Stacks of pretty colorful boxes. In Bali, Balinese use these boxes to carry their offering to the temple. Beautiful wayang golek.
Ingredients: – 1 small bowl of mixed salad leaves – some slices of bacon fried until dry – 1/2 mango cut into cube – 1 tomato cut into cube – croûtons
Honey Mustard Dressing: – 5 tbs honey – 3 tbs mustard – 2 tbs rice wine vinegar whisk all ingredients until smooth
How to make: – Arrange all ingredients in a bowl. – Drizzle with honey mustard dressing.

Yesterday was a birthday party of two members of my host family, Vanessa the mother and Berend the son. She asked whether I could make sate ayam for the party. The people who were expected to come are approx 40 so we decided on making 150 pieces of sate. The last time I made sate was 40 pieces so I thought piece a cake.
We bought 8 double chicken fillet and 4 huge chicken thigh. Somehow I don’t really fancy sate made only from chicken fillet as they are tend to be too dry. Thigh on the other hand have some skins and fats on it which will make the sate juicy…hmm yummy. After 2 hours finally I finished cutting them and put them in neat sticks. pfiuh. After that I put them in marinade, the longer the better they say…so I put them overnight, hahaha.
The recipes for the marinade and sate sauce I got from resepnugraha. I really love their recipe. Have used it twice and always turned out really well.
At the party we served the sate with white rice, krupuk, fried onion, serundeng, kacang goreng, acar timun which I also made myself, and last French bread. Ok don’t ask me why, but that’s how Dutch people eat their sate, with French bread.
150 sate sticks gone in no time. People made lots of positive comments; who made them, they tasted really nice etc. I was so happy that it turned out really well. Three Hours of grilling in the balcony with 2 small electric grill together with my boyfriend was paid off.
Besides sate I also made cupcakes as a gift for Vanessa and Berend. 12 cupcakes in the green and blue color match as Berend’s bedroom. I made or actually my boyfriend made an attempt to make pirate’s face on the cupcake as it is also Berend’s favorite. I also put some writing on the cupcakes. Tried to make Vanessa but the surface was too small or rather my writing was too big hahaha. So I only managed to write Vaness. The cupcakes result was very good seeing my ability to decorate hahaha. Thank you for Mbak Yulia and Cupcake Momma for the inspiration.
My First Award, Thank You!
Whittycute Foodie Event
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