Which kid can deny the taste of macaroni and cheese? Even adult can’t say no to this. But this one is a naughty twist to the traditional macaroni and cheese. Make them in batches and freeze.

– 75 gr elbow macaroni
– 1 tsp olive oil
– 2 butter/margarine
– 50 gr onion
– 100 gr smoked beef, chopped coarsely (I used minced beef)
– 50 gr all purpose flour
– 1/4 tsp salt
– 1 tsp sugar
– 1/4 tsp pepper
– 150 ml milk
– 75 gr cheddar cheese, grated (I used Gouda)
– Oil for frying
– (I added 50gr grated carrot)
– 50 gr flour
– 1 egg, lightly beaten
– 50 gr bread crumbs
– Boil water in a pan, add olive oil, cook macaroni until al dente.
– Heat butter/margarine, fry onion until fragrant. Add smoked beef, flour, salt, pepper and sugar.
– Add milk, mix well. Add macaroni, grated carrot and cheese. Set aside.
– Take 1 tbsp dough (I weigh them at 25gr each) shape into balls. Continue until all dough has finished.
– Coat balls with flour, then egg and lastly bread crumbs.
– Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Source: Primarasa Masak Bersama Anak

Happy Birthday KBB, Hip Hip Hoera! This is my second birthday with KBB but KBB itself is celebrating it’s 3rd birthday and on this very birthday we can choose our own task from all the previous task that KBB. I chose this pizza since I didn’t participate in this task and also I never made my own pizza base before (In Holland, I have made pizza base many times before in Indonesia)
One word from me, don’t hesitate to make this at home, the dough was smooth literally after 5-7 minutes, so no big energy required here 😉

Pizza base:
– 1 sachet (@ 7g = 1/4 oz = 2 tsp) dry yeast
– 1tsp sugar
– 2 ½ cups bread flour (high-grade flour, tepung protein tinggi)
– Salt (I used 1/4 tsp)
– 2 tbsp olive oil

– Dissolve the yeast and sugar in a small bowl with 200ml (6 ½ fl oz) of tepid water. Stir well and set aside for 10 minutes, or until the mixture froths.
– Place the flour and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture and olive oil. Mix until a firm dough forms. Knead on a lightly floured surface for 5-7 minutes, or until smooth and elastic.
– Place in a clean, lightly oiled bowl, cover with a cloth or plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 1-1 ½ hours, or until the dough has doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 210C (415F, Gas Mark 6-7).-
– Punch down the dough with your fist to release the air. Divide into two or three equal portions and roll out or press to a thickness of 4-5mm (¼ in). Transfer to lightly oiled pizza trays.
-Top with your choice of toppings and cook for 15 minutes. Then slide the pizza off the tray onto the oven shelf and cook for a further 3-4 minutes, to crisp up the base.
Source: The Perfect Cookbook. David Herbert. Viking. Victoria,Australia. 2003

Bolognese Topping:
– 1/2 portion of bolognese sauce
– 1 red bell pepper sliced
– Shredded Gouda Cheese
– 1 ball fresh mozzarelle cheese

This one’s suppose to be British comfort food, I’d say the same like our Nasi Goreng? But it seems this one has become my better half comfort food as well which I don’t mind to make because it’s so easy, stir fry the mince and boil potatoes then pop everything in the oven.
I discovered this recipe at BBC GoodFood but this was way too much only for the two of us so I only used 1/4 recipe for two persons.
– 3 tbsp olive oil
– 1¼ kg beef mince
– 2 onions , finely chopped
– 3 carrots , chopped (I used courgette)
– 3 celery sticks, chopped (I omitted this)
– 2 garlic cloves , finely chopped
– 3 tbsp plain flour
– 1 tbsp tomato purée
– large glass red wine (optional) (I omitted this)
– 850ml beef stock
– 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
– few thyme sprigs
– 2 bay leaves
For the Mash:
– 1.8kg potatoes, chipped
– 225ml milk
– 25gr butter
– 200gr strong cheddar (I used Gouda Cheese)
– Freshly grated nutmeg
– Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large saucepan and fry the mince until browned – you may need to do this in batches. Set aside as it browns. Put the rest of the oil into the pan, add the vegetables and cook on a gentle heat until soft, about 20 mins. Add the garlic, flour and tomato purée, increase the heat and cook for a few mins, then return the beef to the pan. Pour over the wine, if using, and boil to reduce it slightly before adding the stock, Worcestershire sauce and herbs. Bring to a simmer and cook, uncovered, for 45 mins. By this time the gravy should be thick and coating the meat. Check after about 30 mins – if a lot of liquid remains, increase the heat slightly to reduce the gravy a little. Season well, then discard the bay leaves and thyme stalks.
– Meanwhile, make the mash. In a large saucepan, cover the potatoes in salted cold water, bring to the boil and simmer until tender. Drain well, then allow to steam-dry for a few mins. Mash well with the milk, butter, and three-quarters of the cheese, then season with the nutmeg and some salt and pepper.
– Spoon meat into 2 ovenproof dishes. Pipe or spoon on the mash to cover. Sprinkle on the remaining cheese. If eating straight away, heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 and cook for 25-30 mins, or until the topping is golden. Or follow the steps (below) to freeze.
Source: BBC GoodFood
First of all I would like to dedicate this post to the loving memory of my two late mbah (grandmothers). Why? The first mbah was my father’s mother, she was a rawon seller in a small alley in Tembok Gede, Surabaya. If you live in Surabaya you may know this place. I remember vividly when I was small sitting in the warung bench, eating her wholesome rawon with salted duck egg and shrimp cracker. She died when I was 10 years old.The second mbah was not really my real mbah but just an elderly relative but because I didn’t have mbah who lived close by (in Bali) so I called her mbah too. She was a bean sprout seller. I still clearly remember her waking up at 3am to sell her bean sprouts at the market then came back at 10am to water the mung bean manually from the water well, every single day. She died when I was 12 years old.Mbah, may you rest in peace and Allah forgive all your mistakes. Ameen.

For 4 persons:
Ingredients: – 500gr beef brisket cubed – 6 shallots – 4 garlic – 2 cm turmeric – 2 red chilies – 1 tbs coriander – 8 pcs kluwak nut – 2 lemongrass bruised – 6 lime leaves – 2 cm ginger bruised – Salt – Some oil
For Sambal Terasi: – 1 red chili – 4 bird’s eye chili (more or less according to your taste buds) – 1 small tomato – 1/2 tsp terasi (dried shrimp paste) – Salt
– Boil red chili, bird’s eye chili, tomato. – Grind all ingredients using pestle and mortar until smooth.
Condiments: – Steamed rice – 2 salted duck egg – Short bean sprout (it’s not available here so I made it myself, soak some mung bean in water overnight. The next day drain the water and put them in a strainer. Water it 2-3 times a day then after 2-3 days they will grow nicely 🙂 ) – Shrimp crackers – Sambal terasi
Directions: – Grind red chili, shallots, garlic, turmeric, coriander, kluwak with a pestle and mortar or if you are lazy like me in a food processor 😀 – Heat up some oil in a skillet and add the spice paste, keep stirring until the spice is fragrant, add lemongrass, lime leaves and ginger. – Add cubed meat and continue stirring until meat turns color. – Meanwhile boil some water in a pan (approx 3 litre). Add meat and spice mixture into the boiling water. Continue cooking in low fire until meat is tender. Adjust salt as you like. – Actually it taste even better the next day 😀 – Serve warm with all the condiments.
Source: My father
 Usually this dish is made with mutton but it’s also nice cooked with beef. Served with hot steaming rice…hmm..
For 2 persons:
Ingredients – 250gr beef – 3 shallots sliced – 2 garlic sliced – 1 red chili sliced – 1 bird’s eye chili sliced – 1 tomato chopped – 2 tbs kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) – 1 tbs petis (shrimp paste) – Salt – Pepper – Some vegetable oil – 150ml water
Directions: – Heat oil in a skillet, add garlic, shallot, red chili and bird’s eye chili, fry until fragrant. – Add meat, stir until meat turned color. – Add the rest of the ingredients, cook in low fire until all of the water almost evaporated.
Source: My mother
I made this tongseng to accompany the sate kambing that I made yesterday. I never made it before and my mother never made it as well. So it was up to Mr. Google to find me an easy recipe.
 For 5-6 persons
Ingredients: – 500gr mutton – Some oil for frying – 400gr (1 can) coconut milk – 250gr cabbage shredded – 1 tomato sliced – 10 bird’s eye chili – 2 tbs kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) – 2 salam leaves – 2 lemongrass bruised – 1 tbs tamarind water – 1 tsp salt
Spice Mix (grind them with pestle and mortar or food processor) – 8 shallots – 3 garlic – 5 red chili – 5 candlenuts – 1 tsp pepper – 1 cm turmeric – 1 tsp coriander – 1 cm ginger – 1 cm young galangal
Directions: – Heat up oil in a pan, add spice mix, fry spice mix until fragrant. – Add salam leaves, lemongrass, coconut milk. – Cook until meat is done and coconut milk has thicken. – Add cabbage, tomato, salt, kecap manis, tamarind water, continue cooking until all ingredients is cooked through.
Source: Adapted from Tabloid Nova
I was drooling over sate kambing pictures at Deetha’s blog, and was constantly thinking about it and that was also because we were talking about it nonstop at the YM. I have to say I was close to dream about it at night! Which mean I have to make it, otherwise I go crazy.
I smsed my mother asking for the recipe as there was no recipe at Deetha. My mother gave me the usual sate kambing recipe and also another recipe which she says was Maduranese from my father. The difference between the usual recipe and Maduranese recipe was that you just need to add little bit of petis (shrimp paste) in the spice mix. The verdict was that the petis gave a different tang of taste on the spice but I still also like the usual spice mix.

Ingredients: – 500gr mutton cubed – 3 garlic mashed – Kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) – Kecap asin (soy sauce) – Petis (optional)
Directions: – Mix all ingredients in a bowl and marinade for couple of hours. – Arrange the meat in a sate skewer (3 meats in one skewer). – Grill sate until done.
Sambal Kecap – 3 shallots, diced – Kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) – Kecap asin (soy sauce) – Juice of 1 lime – 3 bird’s eye chili chopped (less or more according to your taste buds) – Petis (optional)
Directions: – Mix all ingredients in a bowl
I serve my sate kambing with sambal kecap, lontong (wrapped rice) and tongseng kambing.
Source: My mother
I’m really bad at remembering recipe, eventhough my mother has given me recipes, I always managed to lose the recipe and totally forgot about it. So I had to ask my mother again 😀 Back to the food, at first I wanted to make real Semur Ayam but knowing me, I didn’t want to buy new stuff if I still had some other stuff still in the fridge. So here it is my own version of semur.

Ingredients: – 250gr beef – Yellow paprika, sliced – Champignon mushroom, sliced – Onion, sliced – 4 shallots, sliced – 3 garlic, sliced – 1 bird’s eye chili, sliced – 6 tbs kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) – 1 tsp nutmeg – 1/2 tsp cinnamon – pinch of clove – 1/2 tsp salt – 1/2 tsp pepper – 300ml water – some oil for stir frying
Directions: – Heat up oil in a hot wok, add garlic, shallots and chilli, fry until fragrant. – Add onion and beef, stir until beef turns color. – Add the rest of ingredients. – Continue cooking in low fire for 15-20 minutes until the water has evaporated little bit.
Source: My mother with some modification by me
Was sort of busy today so I didn’t really have time to think what I should cook for dinner. So in the end I opened the freezer, looked up what I could make, then I came up with this one.
For 2 persons
– 2 raw beef sausages cut – 2 garlic minced – 2 star anise – 1 tsp sechuan pepper – 1/2 tsp dried chili – 2 tbs hoisin sauce – 1/2 tsp pepper – 1/2 tsp salt – 1 spring onion cut – little bit of vegetable oil
Directions: – Heat oil in a wok, fry garlic until it’s fragrant. – Add sausage, stir now and then until sausage turns color. – Add the rest of the ingredients except spring onion. – Continue cooking until sausage is fully done, add spring onion. – Serve with hot rice.
 Got the empal recipe from NCC but of course little bit modified here and there.
Empal Daging (Indonesian Beef Jerky)
Ingredients: – 500 gr beef meat without fat ( I used steak meat) thinly sliced – 1.5 ltr water – 4 tbs coriander powder – 5 garlic mashed – 2 shallots mashed – 1 tsp salt – 2 cm ginger, bang with a hammer (to make it a little bit bruised 😛 ) – 50 gr Indonesian palm sugar – oil for deep frying
Directions: – Boil the beef in the water and all the ingredients except the oil of course until tender approx 30 mins. – Take the beef out from the broth and bang it with the hammer until its even thinner 😉 – Put them back in the broth and continue boiling until half the broth is gone. – Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Sayur Kunci Bayam (Spinach with Finger Root Vegetable)
Ingredients: – 200 gr spinach – 1 carrot thinly sliced – 3 shallots thinly sliced – 3 garlic thinly sliced – 1 finger root – 1 tsp salt – 1/2 tsp sugar – 1 ltr water
Directions: – Cook water until its boiling, carrot, shallots, garlic, finger root, salt and sugar. – When the carrot is done add spinach and turn off the heat. – Serve with warm rice, empal daging, sambal ulek and krupuk.
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