
HFP #3 : Studio

Memberanikan diri ikut suatu event yang diadain ama mbak Dita dengan judul studio. Ini HFP #3 yang udah beliau launch…cieh gaya bahasaku kok mengerikan banget sih πŸ™‚ Sebenernya ga PD tapi kalo ga PD mulu kapan majunya kekeke…. so here we go…

I like to take pictures in this dining table in the living room (we have one room for living and dining πŸ˜› ) because of the big window. Not that I have other choices of place as we live in a 2nd floor apartment so :s no outdoor studio for me. There’s lots of daylight over there. But still during the day when the weather is bad and that’s usual for Holland :p it’s very difficult to get good lighting. When I have bad days what can I do…. I just use the dining room’s light which resulted in yellowish picture :'( Yah ginilah nasib fotografer amatiran……
This is one picture that is yellowish :s and that is Whitty the kitten intruding the photo shoot because of the chicken nuggets. Hehehe Whitty go down before Peter knows that his food has been sniffed by you.

And this is the latest photo shoot in my studio odong-odong. Strawberry Orange Trifle.

4 comments to HFP #3 : Studio

  • Dita

    toss dulu deh sebagai penghuni apartemen gak punya halaman, masih untung jendela guedeee bgt tuh, Rur ;). Makasih ya jyeng buat entry-nya!

  • Rurie

    Hihihi thanks buat eventnya ya Mbak Dita πŸ™‚

  • mae

    eh kliatan studionya πŸ™‚ cakep2 deh foto2nya, apalagi trifle nya ntu, hmmm :q

  • A.G

    wah baru ngeh waktu tak scroll kebawah ternyata kamu ikutan event ini juga… sama aku juga amatiran hihi.. kl krg pencahayaan aku edit pk program br agak cerahan dikit hehe πŸ˜‰ jd ga pure poto hasil njepretan alias udah dipoles pk make up hehe πŸ™‚ nice jobb Jeng.. soon ur pics will b better

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