
Bento #10 Lontong Pecel

Bento; lontong, pecel, fried tofu, sambal goreng tempet, boiled egg in a car shape.

Snack box; oreo, mandarine orange, rempeyek kacang, homemade chocolate muesli bar.

Bento Snack Box

Yang buat bento lagi dilanda bento blue so cuma buat snack boxnya aja; candy, rice cakes, oreo, cup cake and mandarine orange.

Bento #9 Nasi Putih Ayam Bumbu Rujak

Snack box; mandarine orange, apple, cookies, cracker and krupuk singkong buat temen makan nasi.
Bento; white rice, ayam bumbu rujak, some lettuce leaves, chicken nugget, bami blok, frikandel and bitterbalen.

Bento Bakwan Sayur

Only made snack box bento today as we were a bit busy moving the old sofa downstairs aka throwing it away.

It was only 4 pieces of bakwan (aka bala-bala aka ote-ote), apples, mandarine and 2 pieces of chocolate bar.

Recipe for the bakwan I got from Herti Kitchen Gallery. I really like her gallery. Lots of authentic Indonesian dishes to drool over. One of my favorite sources. πŸ™‚

1 egg
50 gr flour
25 gr rice flour
4 shallots, minced
2 garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp chicken stock cube (I didn’t use it)
75 ml air
100 gr shrimp, roughly chopped (didn’t use it…alias ga punya πŸ˜› )
200 gr vegetables (shredded carrots and cabbage, taoge)

– Mix all ingredients vigorously.
– Deep fry until golden brown.
– Serve warm with saus sambal or cabe rawit

Bento #8 Nasi Kuning

Today’s bento; leftover from yesterday’s nasi kuning πŸ™‚ hihihi

And the snack box; krupuk buat temen makan nasi kuning, rice waffle, cookies, apples and liqorice candy.

Melting Chocolate Puddings

I saw one program about cooking in BBC UK some weeks ago about this kind of pudding. I wrote down only the ingredients so of course when I wanted to make it I don’t know anymore what am I suppose to do with all the ingredients :p so I googled it but still couldn’t find the same recipe. But instead I found this recipe which was also on BBC UK.

Tried it and…hmm the result was quite nice though I found it was too dense sweet for my taste bud. Will reduce the amount of sugar another time.

Here is the copy of the recipe


– 150g self-raising flour (used 200gr because didn’t use ground almond)
– 4 tbsp cocoa powder
– 50gr ground almonds (didn’t use this because didn’t have it πŸ˜› )
– 100g dark chocolate , roughly chopped
– 200gr caster sugar
– 175ml milk
– 50g butter , melted
– 1 egg


– 150g dark muscovado sugar (sort of brown sugar)
– 3 tbsp cocoa powder
– 300 ml boiling water

– To make the chocolate sponge pudding, heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Mix the flour, cocoa powder, ground almonds, chocolate and sugar together. Then stir the milk, butter and egg together and mix into the dry ingredients. Spoon into 6 individual ramekins or 1 big ovenproof dishes.
– To make the sauce, mix the sugar and cocoa powder and gradually stir in 300ml boiling water. Spoon this over the sponge mixture.
– Bake the puddings for 20 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 170C/fan 150C/gas 3 and cook for a further 10 minutes until the sponge feels firm to the touch
– the sauce will be lurking underneath. Serve straight from the oven with cream.

Nasi Kuning Komplit

Nasi Kuning Komplit…..hmm lekker

Perkedel Kentang and Telur Dadar Suwir

Perkedel Kentang

– 500 gr potatoes, cubed, deep fried and mashed
– 150 gr minced meat/chicken
– 3 shallots sliced, deep fried
– 2 garlic sliced, deep fried
– bunch celery chopped
– 2 eggs
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 1/2 tsp pepper
– 1/2 tsp nutmeg
– oil for deep frying

– mixed all ingredients together except 1 egg
– shape in a form of a little ball
– whisk the remaining 1 egg
– roll the perkedel in the egg mixture
– fry until golden brown

Sambel Goreng Kentang, Udang en Ati…kemaruk semuanya dimasukin :p ama Kering Tempe

Ayam Bumbu Rujak and Serundeng Kelapa

Urap ala Bali

Urap ala Bali

– 100 gr taoge
– 100 gr green beans, cut
– 100 gr cabbage, thinly shredded
– 150 gr coconut grilled on the stove until its a little bit brown and fragrant, grated
– 1 cm lesser galangal chopped
– 3 lime leaves chopped
– 1 big red chili sliced
– 2 bird eye’s chili (as desired)
– 3 shallots sliced
– 2 garlic sliced
– 1 kaffir lime

– boil grean beans
– blanched taoge and cabbage
– fry chili, shallots and garlic until slightly brown
– mix the mixture with lesser galangal, lime leaves and grated coconut
– when you are ready to serve the urap mix the spices coconut mixture with the vegetables
– squeezed a little bit of kaffir lime

Ayam Goreng Ungkep and Sambal Terasi

Sambal Terasi

– 1 big red chili
– 3 bird eye’s chili
– 1/2 tsp terasi
– 1/2 tomato
– 3 shallots
– 2 garlic
– salt

– fry all ingredients except salt
– crush all fried ingredients and salt nicely until smooth in an old fashioned indonesian cobek (mortar and pestle)

Bento #7 Mie Goreng

Please people don’t get bored if the pictures are always like this….habis ga punya banyak bento box sih…..sigh…yang penting kan niatnya toh πŸ˜‰

Today’s bento; mie goreng, boiled green bean, fried egg, krupuk.a

Snack box; apple, mandarine orange, kinder pingui, cookies.

Bubur Ayam (Chicken Porridge)

Had a craving to eat village food (makanan kampung) kekeke…kalo diterjemahin kok jadi aneh kedengerannya ya.

Anyway I decided to make bubur ayam. Not exactly the same like what mother makes with kuah opor ayam :s I got no time for that. So this is my own version of bubur ayam.

Ingredients; for 3-4 persons
– 2 cups of rice
– 1 chicken leg
– 1 salam leaves
– 2 garlic smashed
– 1 spring onions sliced
– salt
– pepper
– 3 litres of water

– sambal
– kecap manis
– kecap asin
– spring onion
– wantan skins fried
– emping
– 2 boiled eggs
– krupuk rambak (enak juga pake ginian πŸ™‚ ) –> this is krupuk made of cow’s or pork’s skin

– Boil chicken leg in 3 litres of water along with smashed garlic, salt, pepper and spring onions until the chicken is done
– Take 2 litres of chicken broth anf boil this with the rice to make porridge
– Add salam leaves to the rice
– Stir now and then until the desired consistency (approx 1 hour)
– Take the chicken leg out and shred the meat
– Serve porridge with the chicken broth and all condiments

Bento #6 Bihun Goreng

For my readers (if there are any πŸ˜› ) Sorry if lately my post is just about bento…kikiki

Got a new bento set that I bought on ebay!!!!!!! Yippie….but why they are a bit small for big bule :P…Naah its ok I can use other box for the snack.

Today’s bento; bihun goreng (fried rice noodle), boiled eggs, lettuce leaves, rolled ham, shredded chicken, emping. As for the snack box; mandarine orange, heart candies, cupcake, biscuit and white choco cuppies.