Berhubung hasil polling bulan kemarin seri antara Bento dan Masakan Indonesia Berbahan Dasar UDANG, maka untuk memenuhi permintaan penggemar, maka bulan ini tidak perlu lagi diadakan polling dan hasilnya merujuk pada hasil polling bulan lalu. Berhubung pada bulan lalu udah bikin BENTO, maka bulan ini temanya adalah Masakan Indonesia Berbahan Dasar UDANG. Gimana temans, Udah siap dengan menu andalan kalian??? Yuk mari belanja udang dari sekarang… 🙂
Caranya Ikutan: Posting hasil memasak sesuai dengan tema [Masakan Indonesia Berbahan Dasar Udang] & pada jadwal yang sudah ditentukan [16-30 NOVEMBER 2009] Postingan dilengkapi dengan Logo Masak Bareng Kirim datanya ke e-m@il Masak Bareng di masakbarengyuuk[at]gmail[dot]com, berupa:
* Nama * Nama Blog * Nama masakan & URL-nya * 1 buah foto hasil masakan
Info tambahan: Tentang resep, tidak ada aturan baku. Dipersilahkan browsing dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk berkreasi sesuai selera. Tapi sebaiknya menyebutkan sumber resep yang digunakan. Bahasa yang digunakan saat posting juga tidak perlu sama, mau pake English atau bahasa lainnya juga boleh. Tema menu, Polling, dan Jadwal posting bulan berikutnya akan diumumkan setelah penayangan Round up Masak Bareng. So, sempatkan aja melihat-lihat update beritanya. Oia, kalau mau kasih ide tema masakan juga boleh… silahkan isi SB di samping atau tulis di wall Facebook MasBar yaaa…
Jangan lupa kalo udah naik tayang, kasih kabar ke kami (silahkan isi SB) & ke foodie blogger lainnya. Ditunggu partisipasinya ya….
Masak Bareng Yuuk…
Huhuhu….nowadays it seem’s that my food blog only up and about when there’s foodie blogger event such as this one Masbar. Please laziness, get away from me……
Talking about bento, I used to post many bentos like ages ago. I do still make them daily but not these cutey bento so don’t bothered to take pictures anymore. So I dig really deep into my bento making kit box and glad that I still found nori and the egg moulder.

Let’s see what I have here for my simple bento; steamed rice with cat shape (Romy and Whitty indeed), boiled egg with the shape of fish, 2 tomatoes, sliced spring onion. Hmm I think my bento was lacked of greenery aka salad leaves etc, but sob sob I didn’t have it on my hand.
Then on the other box I have; some strawberries, pandan chiffon cake and choux pastry covered in chocolate. Hmm yummy.
Moga postingan ini cukup berkenan buat ibu2 masbar berhubung postingannya sederhana banget…..hihi.

Hip hip hoera, Happy 2nd Birthday KBB!!! Semoga KBB makin jaya dan selalu jadi tempat kita semua untuk belajar baking sama2.
There were actually 2 competitions that we could enter as the KBB member but I’m really sorry I could only enter 1 which is the food photography competition.

For recipe click here. I just changed the lemon glaze into strawberry.

I actually wanted to skip this month’s Masbar since I barely had any time to make anything special for this month’s theme; Minuman Berbuka Puasa aka Drink to break the fast. But until now I haven’t skipped any Masbar, therefore I felt a little bit quilty if I missed this one. This drink is really simple to make, I reckon you can make it with your eyes closed…

Ingredients: – Raspberry – Ice blocks – Orange juice – Soda water
Directions: – Mix all ingredients together, serve in a glass.
Hip hip hoera, Happy 2nd Birthday KBB!!! Semoga KBB makin jaya dan selalu jadi tempat kita semua untuk belajar baking sama2.
There were actually 2 competitions that we could enter as the KBB member but I’m really sorry I could only enter 1 which is the food photography competition.

For recipe click here. I just changed the lemon glaze into strawberry.
According to Wikipedia, corn is no. 3 most important crop in the world after wheat and rice. In Indonesia where the soil is not suitable for growing rice, they grow and eat corn as a main source of carbohydrate. Meanwhile in Java we eat rice as a main source of carbohydrate and make corn into something else like this tasty corn fritter.

Ingredients: – 2 corn on the cob (remove the kernels from the corn and use the edge of a spoon to scrape the sides of the cob to remove any remaining pulp). If you couldn’t find fresh corn, canned corn would do too. – 1 stalk sprint onion, finely sliced – 1 stalk Asian celery, finely sliced – 3 lime leaves, julienne – 1 red chili, finely sliced – 1 egg – 5 tbs flour (or more depending on the consistency of the batter) – Some water – Vegetable oil for frying
Spice paste: – 3 shallots – 3 garlic – 1 tsp coriander – Salt – Sugar – Pepper
Directions: – Pound spice paste ingredients until smooth. – Mix corn with spice paste, spring onion, Asian celery, chili, lime leaves and egg. Add water and flour until desired consistency, the batter should be somewhat thick. – Heat vegetable oil in the pan, drop the batter with a tablespoon and fry each side for 5 minutes or until golden brown.
Source: My mother
I’m back ^_^ Ok ok I admit, I didn’t post much lately and I have to say I was also very ignorant with my surrounding ie; with friends, news about the world etc…..sob sob but I promise I didn’t do it on purpose. The past 3 weeks was really (I mean really) hectic. What with the preparation of our wedding and the wedding itself (yes I’m married now ^_* ) and little holiday with my parents. It was really lovely time but I’m little bit glad that it was all over and now back to real life.
For the past three weeks we’ve been stuffing ourselves with take aways, eating out and my parents cooking (hmm I like this part) and now I still don’t feel like big cooking. I made this photo couple weeks ago but yesterday I (or rather we) made this again with premade pizza base and tomato sauce. I would say this is my kind of pizza, spicy and fishy with a bit of tang from the rucola.

Makes 1 large pizza
Ingredients: – 1 large premade pizza base (or make your own favorite recipe) – 1 small jar premade tomato sauce (or make this one without the minced meat) – 5 green olives thinly sliced – 1 small can anchovy, drained – Handful grated gouda cheese – Handful jalapeno (less or more according to your taste buds) – 1/2 onion, roughly chopped – 10 basil leaves – Olive oil – Handful rucola
Directions: – Preheat the oven to 200Celcius. – Spread tomato sauce all over pizza base. – Drizzle with little bit of olive oil. – Divide anchovy, jalapeno, onion, basil leaves, olives all over the base. – Spread grated cheese. – Bake for 10-15 minutes until crispy. – Serve with rucola scattered on top.
Source: Me
Time flies when you are having fun, suddenly without realising it’s already the end of August which means time for Masbar. What an interesting theme we got this month, sambal. I don’t think any Indonesians can live without it. We love sambal so much that every region has it’s own signature sambal, and this one is from Bali.

For 5 persons
Ingredients: – 500 gr be pindang (salted fish) if you couldn’t buy ready made pindang, you could try to make it yourself, click here. – Some oil
Sambal tomat: – 5 tbs coconut oil – 60 gr shallots, sliced – 50 gr red chilies, sliced – 10 bird’s eye chilies, sliced – 100 gr small tomatoes, cut into wedges – 1 tsp palm sugar – 1/2 tsp salt
Directions: – Fried be pindang in hot oil until done, set aside. – Heat the coconut oil in a wok and fry the shallots, chilies and tomatoes for about 5 minutes. – Leave to cool slightly, then use a pestle and mortar to pound them to a fine paste. Stir in the palm sugar and salt. – Serve with fried be pindang and white rice.
Source: The Bali Cookbook by Lonny Gerungan
I know that I haven’t written anything for a while. I’m doing neither the so-called hiatus nor that I lost my interest in blogging. I’m just busy with preparing the big day. Lots of things to be done, and I feel they are just endless, like a circle that got no end.
First time I made this drink, it was a BIG failure. The cendol mixture was too thick, then I consulted it with the owner of the recipe; my dear friend Lidia, she said try to add more water to the mixture. Then I tried her advice and voila it worked, and once I got the hang of making this, I have been making it lots of time now.
Maybe you would ask, why her recipe didn’t work with me, I once read somewhere (probably in Wikipedia) that water content varies from flour to flour. Depending on the brand, source of the flour etc.
Now let’s enjoy this late summer month with a nice cold glass of cendol.

Ingredients: To make bubbles: – 1 package of hunkwe powder – 70gr of rice flour – 35gr of tapioka flour – 4drops of pandan essence – 200ml of water – 400ml of boiling water (I used 600ml boiling water) – 1Tbsp of sugar – pinch of salt – ice cubes and cold water in molding pot
To make coconut milk mix: – 1can of coconut milk – 100ml of water – pinch of salt
To make sweetener: – 2blocks of palm sugar – 3Tbsp of brown sugar – 180ml of water – 4 pandan leaves
Optional adding: – 1can of jackfruit in syrup, discard the syrup, cut into small pieces – 1can of grass jelly, cut into small pieces (I didn’t use this)
Directions: – In a bowl, dissolve hunkwe powder, tapioka and rice flour, sugar and salt with water. Add pandan essence and mix it well until all color distributed evenly. – Prepare the boiling water on stove. While boiling, add the flour mixture little by little and stir it instantly and continuously until thickening and boiling again. – Prepare the molding pot with ice cubes and cold water inside. Then pour the hot thick mixture and press it using a wooden laddle, so that the mixture will come out of the holes and form bubbles. The bubble which drops into cold water and ice cubes will harden and would not stick to each other. Do it until all done. Keep it aside. – In a small pot, mix well coconut milk, water and salt. Bring it to boil. Put it aside. – In a small pot, bring to boil water. Add pandan leaves. Then add palm sugar and stir it well until all dissolved. At last add brown sugar, stir it until all dissolve and wait until boiling again. – To serve, in a glass, put some bubbles, jackfruits and grass jelly. Then add coconut milk and the palm sugar sweetener. Stir it well. Add some ice cubes as it is good to serve it cold.
Source: Lidia’s Blog
I always like sate, ok on the second thought which Indonesian food that I don’t like? And this month’s theme of masbar is sate, hmm my mouth watered just thinking about all the sate that I could see from all this month’s participant.
I got this recipe from a book which was a present from Deetha. She lives in Semarang and my best friend Hesti is from Semarang too. So when Hesti went back home couple of months ago, she brought the book for me. Thank you Deetha for such a nice present, thank you Hesti for bringing the book ^_^

Ingredients: – 500 gr chicken, cubed – 100 ml kecap manis – 2 tbs vegetable oil
Spice Paste: – 5 gr tamarind – 8 shallots – 3 garlic – 3 cm galangal – 1/4 tsp cumin – 1 tsp salt – 1/2 tsp pepper – 50 gr palm sugar, shredded – 2 tsp coriander
Directions: – Pound spice paste ingredients with pestle and mortar or food processor until smooth. – In a bowl mix together, spice paste, kecap manis, oil and cubed chicken then marinate for minimum 2 hours. – Arrange the chicken on a sate skewers. – Grill until done while brushing sate with the rest of the spice mix.
Source: Book of Bango 80 Warisan Kuliner Nusantara
My First Award, Thank You!
Whittycute Foodie Event
Click here to see the round up!