Remember this blogpost some times ago? Now its time to announce the winner. First I put numbers on the entries and used random.org to pick out the lucky winners. Congrats to the winner and hopefully until next giveaways!

Winner for this pretty teaspoon set is Wulan from Yummy Mommy Diary.

The lucky one who gets to have this equally cute tea spoon is Nony from Te Onilie Flavour.

And Ria from Icip-Icip di Dapur is ready to make her kitchen looks prettier with this ceramic stickers.

Last but not least, Buncis from Buku Catatan Resep gets to win these two, blue oven mitt and tea towel.

Black forest cake has been one of my favourite cake since forever. I remember when I was small, my adopted American grandmother would some times treat us to a special 5 star hotel bakery. Occasion like that didn’t come often, only came with birthday or special celebration. Back then the tasted resembled nothing I ever had, you could taste chocolate, cherry, sweet rhum all at the same time. Not forgetting the pretty presentation. There we were, in our best clothes at a 5 star hotel surrounded by ‘high class’ baked goods, everything looked nice and classy and we felt very special that day. A sweet memory that I still cherish until now.
Now I am able to make my own I don’t forget about this cake, it is still my favourite and this time I made it specially for Masbar‘s 3rd birthday and my very own blog 4th birthday. Happy birthday to both of us!

Recipe: do click here.

From 4 years until now. Left: 4 years ago. Right: couple weeks ago.
For English do scroll down.
Bulan Juli musim panas empat tahun lalu, liburan musim panas yang panjang dan belom tau mau ngapain. Bengong di depan komputer, pengen masak sesuatu yang Indonesia tapi nggak tau musti masak apa dan gimana cara masaknya.
Browsing sana sini, nemulah blognya Bunda Inong. Bahasanya yang lugas, masakannya yang sepertinya mudah dibikin, ceritanya yang lucu-lucu bikin tambah tertarik dan browsing nyambung ke blog blio yang ini. Tambah jatuh cinta baca cerita tentang anak-anaknya, dan walo sibuk mengurus anak tetep sempat blogging, masak, ngasih kursus, jualan kue n berteman.
Aku kagum dan terinspirasi dengan blio. Cuma penasaran juga kok blognya hanya berakhir sampai Agustus 2006. Browsing kesana kemari ternyata Bunda Inong sudah meninggal September 2006. Tapi blognya masih sering dikunjungi teman-teman virtualnya.
Dari blog Bunda Inong, aku ketemu blog-blog lain dan di akhir hari memutuskan kok sepertinya seru juga kalo punya blog, belajar masak, ketemu teman-teman baru, n ada yang baca atau nggak yang penting tulis aja. Ya memang inspirasi pertamaku adalah Bunda Inong. Bunda, kita semua tau pasti sekarang blio sudah bahagia disana, terimakasih ya untuk inspirasinya.
Nah sekarang empat tahun kemudian kita makan-makan, eh salah. Sebenernya sih ini ultah blog bulan Juli lalu tapi berhubung lupa *tepok jidat. Yawes lah kan kata pepatah lebih baik terlambat daripada nggak sama sekali. Ada bagi-bagi hadiah denk. Nggak 1 hadiah aja tapi 4 (empat) loh, 4 benda yang aku suka dan pakai sendiri di foto-fotoku ataupun sehari-hari di rumah.
Seru kan, caranya gimana donk?
Caranya gampang banget kok.
1. Like pageku yang ini dan ini.
2. Kalau udah, tinggalkan komentar di post ini, posting apa aja yang ingin kalian liat di blog aku in the future?
Dan kenapa kalian pengen menangin hadiahnya?.
3. Jangan lupa tinggalin nama dan link ke blog kalian kalau ada.
4. Udah tinggal tunggu aja dua minggu lagi apakah kalian menang atau nggak.
Gampang kan. Yuk tunggu apalagi.
In English
Long summer holiday 4 years ago and I didn’t have any plan yet. I was staring in front of my computer itching of something Indonesian to cook but I didn’t know what and how.
I browsed here and there until I found this blog by Bunda Inong. Her story telling captivated me, her foods made me drool and it helped that she was funny as well. Her kitchen led me to her personal daily blog which was equally amusing. I couldn’t stop reading all her stories about her children and eventhough she was busy taking care of her family she still had time for blogging, friendship, giving baking course, cooking and selling her baked goods.
I was amazed with her energy, to say the least I was inspired. Although one thing was bothering me as why both her blogs stopped at August 2006. I browsed some more until I found out that she had died that following month, September 2006. But her blog was still alive and you can see that she was much loved by her friends.
Her blogs led me to other cooking and baking blog and at the end of the day I decided to create a blog like hers, to learn cooking, meet new friends and not caring whether anyone would read your blog, just write it. Yes Bunda Inong was my first inspiration. Bunda, I know that you are happy over there, I thank you for all the inspiration.
Now four years forward I’m having a giveaways. Although the blog anniversary was last month but they all say better late than never. I have not only 1 but 4 (FOUR) things that I like to use in my photos and also daily at home.
How to enter?
Read on it’s really easy.
1. Do like my pages here and here.
2. When you have done so, leave two comments in this post.
What sort of blogpost you would like to see more in my blogs in the future? And why you want the gift sooo bad?
3. Don’t forget to leave your name and link to your blog if available.
4. Wait for 2 weeks whether you are the winner or not. So easy peasy.
Allright what are you waiting for?
You can win one of these 4 things I love!

Sendok teh lucu ini muncul di banyak foto-foto aku, dan aku tau banyak teman-teman yang suka juga kan.
These teaspoons are so famous you could see it in many of my photos. And I know many of you love it too.
Sendok teh yang sama lucunya.
Equally cute teaspoons 😀
Stiker untuk tegel, gampang dipasang dan diremove. Seperti kalian liat di dapur aku.
Cute tile stickers, easy to apply and remove. Just like you see in my kitchen.
Yang ini Belanda banget and biru. Sarung oven gambar sapi dan serbet dapur.
And something blue and Dutch. Cow print oven mitt and tea towel.
Buat teman-teman di Belanda dan sekitarnya yang ingin belajar bagaimana caranya memotret makanan di rumah tanpa dengan peralatan yang ada, yuk ikutan les singkatnya. Buat yang ingin ikutan, silakan langsung kirim email ya.

Informasi ini juga bisa dilihat di photoblog.

Nggak terasa waktunya untuk KBB lagi, udah yang ke 24. Wow, eh tapi tanpa event spt KBB rasanya kok ini blog nggak keisi2 ya…duh. Anyway ini baru pertama kali bikin pie, kupikir ngaduk adonan pienya musti manual ternyata nggak juga, bisa pake FP, YAY! Walaupun sesudah diaduk di FP dan didinginkan di kulkas 30 menit kok tetep ambrol adonan kulit pienya. Ya sudahlah tetep bisa dicetak kok. Karena nggak punya cetakan pie aku pakai cetakan pie kertas sekali pakai dan berhasil juga. Filling coklatnya bikinnya gampang, tinggal aduk dan tuang, aku ngovennya juga nggak lama-lama banget supaya fillingnya nggak kering dan tetep basah-basah. Rasa pienya wow legit banget, nyoklat banget, makannya musti sedikit-sedikit loh. All in all senang udah belajar bikin pie. Kalau nggak karena KBB, nggak mungkin deh.

Sumber: Best Food: Desserts. The Australian Women Weekly.
Untuk 10 porsi

185g tepung terigu
25g coklat bubuk
55g icing sugar mixture
150g mentega dingin, cincang
2 kuning telur
1 sdt air dingin
Campur tepung, bubuk coklat, gula dan mentega di dalam mangkuk FP, lalu proses hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan kuning telur dan air, proses lagi hingga menggumpal. Uleni adonan hingga lembut. Tutup menggunakan plastik, dinginkan di kulkas selama 30 menit.
Panaskan oven, suhu sedang (moderate).
Giling adonan pastry hingga cukup lebar untuk memuat loyang tart bongkar pasang ukuran 24cm yang sudah diolesi mentega hingga ke sisi2nya. Letakkan pastry ke dalam loyang, tekan-tekan ke sisi-sisinya, lalu ratakan pinggirannya. Tutup, dinginkan di kulkas selama 30 menit.
Tutup pastry dengan baking paper, isi dengan kacang2an kering atau beras, letakkan di atas loyang oven. Panggang tanpa ditutup selama 15 menit. Keluarkan kertas dan kacang2an/beras, panggang lagi 10 menit hingga sedang kecoklatan. Dinginkan.

Chocolate Filling
4 kuning telur
2 butir telur
55g gula caster
80ml krim kental
300 DCC, lelehkan
1 sdt ekstrak vanilla
Buatlah pastry, lalu turunkan panas oven hingga suhu rendah (moderately slow).
Kocok kuning telur, telur dan gula caster di dalam mangkuk kecil dengan mixer hingga kental dan creamy. Masukkan krim, coklat dan ekstrak. Tuang adonan coklat ke dalam pastry yang sudah dipanggang. Panggang selama 30 menit atau hingga filling matang/set. Dinginkan selama 10 menit. Jika suka taburi dengan ekstra coklat bubuk, hidangkan.

Since I joined an online Indonesian baking club KBB (klub berani baking) and they happened to have a bbg (blackberry group), words spread fast which and which recipe you should try. And since drooling over other member’s baking photo was not enough we had to try for ourselves. This banana bread came from Elsye, she ‘promoted’ the recipe with being dead easy, quick but yet delish. I tried it the other day when I needed a quick baking fix to ease my mind over overloaded work. And boy she was right, it was easy peasy, even no mixer was needed and most importantly delicious. I reckon you should try it as well.

– 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
– 1/3 cup melted butter
– 1 cup sugar (I used 3/4 cup)
– 1 egg, beaten
– 1 teaspoon vanilla
– 1 teaspoon baking soda
– Pinch of salt
– 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
I added 1/2 cup of chopped dark chocolate and spread almond slices on the surface.
No need for a mixer for this recipe. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4×8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve.

Source: Simply Recipes via Elsye Suranto

Hampir, HAMPIR aja kelewatan ikutan KBB bulan ini. Dikarenakan ujian akhir semester di sekolah yang udah di depan mata banget plus pursuing jadi photographer full time itu memang kerjaan full time banget. Anyway lupakan sejenak itu semua dan marilah kita nikmati lemon cheesecake yang super duper enyaks ini. Bikinnya sih nggak susah-susah banget secara aku juga suka bikin cheesecake tapiiii crustnya ini yg rada susah karena musti sampai ke sisi-sisinya, biasanya sih aku bikin cuma alasnya aja. Yuuk yuuk kita nikmati cheesecakenya.
Bahan-bahan :
Untuk 8-10 porsi
¼ cup port (aku ganti orange juice semua)
¼ cup orange juice
75g sultanas
150g mascarpone (berhubung belinya nggak liat-liat resep, jadinya mascarpone 400gr)
400g ricotta (dan ricotta 150gr)
125g gula kastor
2 btr telur, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
3 buah lemon, parut kulitnya
60g tepung terigu
80g manisan apricot, iris tipis
30g mentega tawar (aku tambah 30gr lagi karena kacang-kacanganya nggak cukup lembab)
185g kacang2an, haluskan (aku pakai almond meal)
8 sdt gula kastor
4 sdt dark brown sugar
½ sdt bubuk kayu manis
¼ sdt bubuk mixed spice

Cara Membuat:
Panaskan oven 170C. Siapkan loyang ukuran 23cm, olesi dasar dan sisi2 loyang dengan mentega leleh. Alasi dasar loyang dengan baking paper, lalu olesi mentega leleh.
Panasi port, orange juice, dan sultanas di dalam panci selama 5 menit. Angkat dari api, tutup dan biarkan selama 15 menit.
Crust: panaskan mentega hingga leleh, masukkan kacang2an, semua gula dan rempah-rempah; aduk rata. Letakkan di dasar dan sisi loyang, tekan-tekan supaya padat dan melekat.
Kocok mascarpone dan ricotta hingga lembut, lalu masukkan gula, kuning telur dan parutan kulit jeruk, lalu masukkan tepung, aduk hingga rata dan lembut. Masukkan campuran sultanas-port-orange juice dan apricots.
Kocok putih telur di dalam mangkuk yang bersih dan bebas lemak hingga soft peaks. Masukkan putih telur kocok ke dalam campuran keju. Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan permukaannya.
Letakkan loyang ke atas loyang oven/loyang biscuit (oven tray/baking tray), panggang selama 1 jam, atau hingga permukaan cheesecake set tengah2nya dan berwarna emas kecoklatan di sekelilingnya. Matikan oven. Biarkan cheesecake di dalam oven dengan pintu dibuka sedikit selama 50-60 menit.
Keluarkan cheesecake dari oven. Gunakan pisau tumpul secara perlahan ke sekeliling cheesecake, lalu biarkan hingga betul2 dingin. Keluarkan cheesecake dari loyang dan dinginkan dalam kulkas selama 2 jam sebelum disajikan.
Tips: olesi mentega leleh ke sekeliling loyang agak tebal sehingga crust kacang akan terbalut secara merata.

Maaf nih potonya seadanya dulu dari ipod, poto beneran menyusul *kejarsetoran
Sumber : Successful Baking
PS: Ini blogpost kenapa tiba-tiba berbahasa Indonesia? Ya kan ceritanya lagi buru-buru dan malas terjemahin. Yang perlu in English ayo ayo dibuka google translatornya.
Another cupcake to complement the red velvet cupcake from last week’s post. Since I coulnd’t find tiramisu cupcake’s recipe from Hummingbird, I mix and match two recipes. The cupcake base was using vanilla cupcake recipe from Hummingbird while coffee syrup and mascarpone frosting were using Martha Stewart’s recipe. Now here is the recipe.

Vanilla Cupcake
Makes 12 (Since I used a bigger cupcake case, mine yielded 10 cupcakes)
Ingredients :
-120g/4oz plain flour
-140g/5oz caster sugar
-1½ tsp baking powder
-A pinch of salt
-40g/1½ oz unsalted butter, at room temperature
-120ml/4fl oz whole milk
-1 egg
-¼ tsp vanilla extract
-A 12-hole cupcake tray, lined with paper cases
-Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/ Gas 3.
-Put the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and butter in a freestanding electric mixer with a paddle attachment (or use a handheld electric whisk) and beat on slow speed until you get a sandy consistency and everything is combined.
-Gradually pour in half the milk and beat until the milk is just incorporated.
-Whisk the egg, vanilla extract and remaining milk together in a separate bowl for a few seconds, then pour into the flour mixture and continue beating until just incorporated (scrape any unmixed ingredients from the side of the bowl with a rubber spatula).
-Continue mixing for a couple more minutes until the mixture is smooth.
-Do not overmix.
-Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until two-thirds full and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until light golden and the sponge bounces back when touched.
-A skewer inserted in the centre should come out clean.
-Leave the cupcakes to cool slightly in the tray before turning out onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
Coffee Syrup
Ingredients :
– 1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon freshly brewed very strong coffee (or espresso)
– 30ml marsala (you can omit this or change it with other coffee based liquor)
– 1/4 cup sugar
– Stir together coffee, marsala, and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Let cool.
Mascarpone Frosting
Ingredients :
– 1 cup (250ml) heavy cream
– 8 ounces (approx 250gr) mascarpone cheese, room temperature
– 1/2 cup (approx 100gr) confectioners’ sugar, sifted
– With an electric mixer on medium speed, whisk heavy cream until stiff peaks form (be careful not to overbeat, or cream will be grainy).
– In another bowl, whisk together mascarpone and confectioners’ sugar until smooth.
-Gently fold whipped cream into mascarpone mixture until completely incorporated. Use immediately.
– Poke the cupcakes with a fork until it forms holes, pour coffee marsala syrup over the cupcake, repeat until coffee syrup is finished.
– If you like you could make a small hole in the centre of the cupcake and fill that with mascarpone frosting.
– Frost with the mascarpone frosting and decorate with cocoa powder.
– Best eaten after being cooled for overnight in the fridge.
For more story and photos do “>visit my photography blog.
Vanilla Cupcake : Hummingbird Bakery
Coffee Syrup and Mascarpone Frosting : Martha Stewart’s
If you would like to read more story on this red velvet cupcake, do visit my photoblog here.

Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 20-25 mins
Yield: 12 cupcakes (mine yielded around 10 cupcakes since I used a bigger cupcake case)
For the cupcakes
– 60g unsalted butter, at room temperature
– 150g caster sugar (I used 125gr)
– 1 egg
– 10g cocoa powder
– 20ml red food colouring (preferably Dr. Oetker brand) (I used 10ml)
– ½ tsp vanilla extract
– 120ml buttermilk
– 150g plain flour
– ½ tsp salt
– ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
– 1½ tsp white wine vinegar
For cream cheese frosting: enough to cover 12 cupcakes
– 300g icing sugar, sifted (I used150g)
– 50g unsalted butter, at room temperature (I used 40g)
– 125g cream cheese, cold (I used 185g)
For the cake
– Preheat the oven to 170°C. (my oven is an electric oven and they tend to be hotter than gas, so I used 150°C)
– Beat butter and the sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy and well mixed.
– Turn the mixer up to high speed, slowly add the egg and beat until everything is well incorporated.
– In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, red food colouring and vanilla extra ct to make a very thick, dark paste. Add to the butter mixture and mix thoroughly until evenly combined and coloured (scrape any unmixed ingredients from the side of the bowl with a rubber spatula).
– Turn the mixer up to slow speed, slowly pour in half the buttermilk.
– Beat until well mixed, then add half the flour and beat until everything is well incorporated. Repeat this process until all the buttermilk and flour have been added. Scrape down the side of the bowl again.
– Turn the mixer up to high speed and beat until you have a smooth, even mixture.
– Turn the mixer down to low speed and add the bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Beat until well mixed, then turn up the speed again and beat for a couple more minutes.
– Pour into a lightly greased 6″ cake tin.
– Bake for about 40 mins or until done. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick in t he middle, should come out clean if done.
– Leave to cool slightly in the tin before turning out onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
– Frost with cream cheese frosting. For cream cheese frosting:
– Beat the icing sugar and butter together on medium-slow speed until the mixture comes to gether and is well mixed.
– Add the cream cheese in one go and beat until it is completely incorporated.
– Turn the mixer up to medium-high speed. Continue beating until the frosting is light and fluffy (at least five minutes). Do not overbeat, as it can quickly become runny.
Source: The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook
My First Award, Thank You!
Whittycute Foodie Event
Click here to see the round up!