I made this cake for masbul’s B’day today. But I was feeling rather experimental (or lazy) so I didn’t make my own sponge cake as usual, but I was using ready made sponge cake mix. I was sceptical with that product at first but the result turned out to be nice, soft and moist sponge cake, bouncy and not too sweet.
For the rest of the decorations, I just used what I had in hand. Cherry with stem was not available so I just make do with cherry without stem. Then I used ready made chocolate curls which I had difficulty in sticking them onto the cake. Tried to sprinkle it by just throwing it on the side surface, but more chocolate curls on the floor than on the cake. Tried to stick it to my hand then transfer it onto the cake, but then some of the whip cream would stick on my hand. Anyone has better idea on how to do it easily? On the other hand what nice was the cherry filling, I didn’t have to thicken it myself because here they’ve got cherry pie filling in the can 🙂
Gefeliciteerd met jou verjaardag schatie 🙂
For 12 persons
Sponge cake
– 1 ready made chocolate sponge cake mix (I used PrimaMix or used your own favorite chocolate sponge cake recipe)
– Prepare sponge cake according to the package
Simple syrup
– 100ml cherry water or water
– 50gr sugar (usually it’s 1:1 scale of water and sugar but I don’t really like it too sweet)
– 50ml rhum (optional)
– Boil cherry water or water with sugar.
– Let it cool down then add rhum
Whip cream
– 750 ml fresh cream
– 4 tbs sugar
– Put the whisk and bowl for whipping the cream in the freezer for 30 minutes or more.
– Whisk the cream for 2 minutes then add sugar, continue whisking until hard peak.
Other ingredients
– 300 gr chocolate curls
– 12 Maraschino cherry
– 1 can cherry pie filling
– Divide cake into 3 parts and sprinkle with simple syrup.
– Spread thick layer of whipping cream on the lowest part of the cake, add 1/2 can of the cherry pie filling, top with the second part of the cake.
– Repeat process one more time.
– Spread remaining whipped cream on the surface of the cake, reserved a little bit of whipped cream enough for the swirls on top.
– Decorate with chocolate curls and Maraschino cherry.
– Chill until served.
Got no exact source for this as I’ve been making this over the years and adjust ingredients here and there according to my taste and what’s available but as you all know this cake came from Germany 😉
apik2 potone..iki hasil meguru toh? sip sip…mengko ajari aku yo…
Yui ki hasil berguru 😀 woloh aku ra iso ngajari….paling mung isone menyebarkan kata2 sing wis aku entuk 😀
cantek banget, cakenya juga fotonya (photographernya jg lah). Canteeeeek banget!!
masbul…met ultah yooo
endi ki traktirane???
i found your blog when i was looking for chicken satay. you blog is really nice the best food blog i have seen ^-^. if you don’t mind can i ask…where did you get this cute dessert forks and spoons?
Hi i found your blog when i was searching for satay. Not only your blog is very good looking but also all the home ware you use are very pretty and cute…especially the dessert forks it look so cute if you don’t mind can i ask where do you get it? ever since i visited your blog i’ve been looking for cute forks like yours everywhere.
Hi the cute forks I found at the local home wares shop here in Holland, you can check out http://www.blondamsterdam.nl or http://www.vd.nl
Haiiii….duh, resepmu bikin saya inget almh.uwa saya, beliau jago skali bikin blackforest dan sepertinya mirip dengan resepmu ini…saya ijin copas ya,hehehhe…