It’s October….I bet some of you who lives in Europe like me are already feeling down nowadays what with the colder weather or the falling leaves. But see also the bright side, you could cuddle cosily on the couch with a bowl of nice tomato soup or hot tea and a speculas cookie π This post is also for Dita HFP#4. I love her idea for creating this kind of event, it makes us practice more and be better in home food photography. This time she chosen concept as the theme. At first I was like eh…what concept??? Then I thought hmm why not autumn… so here it is.
Now let’s see what I have here. To me they are all scream autumn because they only appear in autumn. The mini pumpkin (but no you can’t eat those mini pumpkin, they are only for accessories), the falling leaves, the tomato soup with garlic bread, hot tea with speculas cookie (it’s soft cookie filled with marzipan). No recipe I can share here as the tomato soup is from a package that I got for free sample at the train station..hehehe. I just added champignon mushroom, potatoes and some black pepper and peterseli.
Also it was sort of dark already outside when I shot this picture so yeah I got the ambience that I wanted…gloomy autumn π
Happy autumn π
such a brilliant idea! Thanks for participating ya π
thanks Dit, it’s great to be able to participate π
waaaaaaaaa ide kita kok bisa sama gitu sih Rie, aku juga awalnya pengen bikin konsep Autumn, udah mungutin daun segala.. udah sempet aku pake juga daunnya utk foto lain, tapi tiba-tiba hari ini aku pengen motret yg lain, jadi ganti konsep deh :d>>cakep fotonya loh π
ya Sef, habis daripada aku pusing 7 keliling mikirin konsep (secara selama ini konsepnya asal jepret aja π ) mending make yg udah ada aja di sekitaran π>wah aku blom liat tu poto kamu yg make daun juga…apa blom tayang ya?>>makasih ya komennya..kritiknya juga donk bitte π
Semongkuk soup dihari-hari yang mulai dingin. Cocok banget. Fotonya juga cantik!
uhuk uhuk makasih Mbak Retno….kok lom ikutan HFP#4 nih???
it is an awesome concept. One of the things I like on the image is the bowl.
Rurieeee…. gw napsir pot eluuuu… hehe bukan pot kembang, tp pot buat sup ntu, aduuh daun daun berguguran dimana mana ya π sukses bow!
kok pada suka ama mangkoknya π btw itu aku beli di kringloop (kalo nama inggrisnya thriftshop) alias toko barang bekas/second hand. Jadi kalo kita2 pada ga perlu barang2 dirumah daripada dibuang mending disumbangin ke kringloop, karena mereka ntar jual di toko mereka n hasilnya itu untuk amal π Jadi itung2 kita kalo belanja disana ikut amal juga. N I love that shop, murah2 n tempat hunting property yg asyik π>>Thanks for the comment ya π