It’s snowing outside, so what is better than snuggling in the couch under the blanket with a cup of tea and pisang goreng. Here is my mother version of pisang goreng with egg in the batter. It makes the batter crispier which I really like.
For 2-3 persons
– 1 ripe pisang tanduk cut as you like
– oil for deep frying
For the batter:
– 1/2 cup self rising flour (if you don’t have it mix normal flour with a pinch of baking powder)
– 1/8 cup maizena
– 1 egg
– 1 sachet vanilla sugar (if you don’t have it use a pinch of vanilla powder)
– 1 tbs caster sugar (if you use vanilla powder add 2 tbs caster sugar)
– pinch salt
– 1/2 cup water
– Mix all the batter ingredients in a bowl until smooth.
– Add banana and stir gently until the batter covers the banana nicely.
– Heat up oil in a pan, fry banana until golden brown.
Source: My mother
Pokok e gorengan nggak nolak dweh … pisang goreng anget2 nyambi ngeteh hhmm 🙂
Hmm palagi dingin2 gini kan…Swiss udah bersalju blom??
Rie,sb mu ganti yo? tp kok gak iso metu ng hp ku ik. iku nganggo opo masangmu,kok sampe gak ketok ng hp.hiks…hiks…
gue doang nih kayaknya yg gak pernah posting pisang goreng 😀>>btw, aku pake lensa canon 50mm f/1.8 kalo motret (makanan ataupun apa aja)>dan ini bukan lensa macro, tapi fixed lens..>>kalo dirimu berminat dan dananya lebih, aku saranin beli yg 50mm f/1.4, itu juga fixed lens… tapi hasilnya berlipat-lipat bagusnya dari yg f/1.8>>kalo dananya masih lebih juga, beli aja yg macro 100mm f/2.8
@Deetha: udah aku perbaiki Sbne..wes apik kan 🙂>>@Sefa: thanks say atas infonya, skr korek2 celengan dulu ama berharap angpao tahun baru :D:D