
Home Made Bolognese Sauce

I don’t really fancy the taste of tomato sauce or bolognese sauce out of the jar so instead I always make lots of bolognese sauce, freeze it then use it whenever I feel like it. It’s good for spaghetti, lasagna or pizza sauce.

1 large onion chopped
5 cloves of garlic chopped
1 large red chili chopped (to add a bit of a spicy taste to my Indonesian taste bud)
500 gr minced meat
1000 gr chopped tomato (fresh or from a can)

1 small can of tomato puree
handful fresh basil leaves

1 tbs salt
1 tbs pepper

1 tbs dried oregano or Italian mixed spices

How to make:
1. Fry garlic until fragrant.
2. Add chopped onion and chili, fry until the onion is tender.
3. Add minced meat, fry until meat turns color.
4. Add chopped tomato and tomato puree.
5. Add the rest of the spices.
6. Let it simmer for approx 30 mins.

Can be freezed in the freezer for up to 3 months.

New Year's Party


Two days before I went here, I had dinner with a friend in a new Japanese restaurant in Renon, Denpasar. The restaurant called Izakawa Ueno. Overall it was a good value restaurant seeing from the quality of the food and price. πŸ™‚ Would definitely go back there again. But now I’m not going to discuss further about that restaurant but about the effect that restaurant (Japanese food) has on me.

After visiting that restaurant I have been longing again for sushi. And since Ive been wanting to try to make it so there I put my best effort to make it. Of course I didn’t make the raw fish sushi, I left that to the expert since it’s not easy to make food from raw stuff or to find the source of the raw stuff. I also think the sushi that I made weren’t the usual sushi, I just use whatever I had in the kitchen such as; tofu, shrimp, ham, caviar, beef floss (abon) and even salami. πŸ™‚ I read somewhere that there’s no limit for sushi filling and you can use whatever you fancy. I’m quite happy with the result, just as delicious as those I had at the restaurant with the fraction of the price. Plus it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.

I'm Back

Haiya….I’m back people….but brrr it’s really cold here. Well after 3 months of sun suddenly I’m not ready for this cold. But I’m really glad I could go back before the estimated time plus it was before xmas so I could celebrate xmas and new year here.

I can’t wait to post more food but before I do that I want to check out all my friend’s blogs. Gosh since how long have I haven’t done walk blogging. πŸ™‚

Blognya istirahat dulu ya…..

Hi everyone….I’m very very sorry I can’t update anything on my blog for some time. I’m in Bali now and as you all know how it is with internet in Indonesia. πŸ˜‰ Just enjoy some pictures of my Bali here

Hotel New York, Rotterdam

For my farewell, my host family took me to dinner at Hotel New York Rotterdam. It is located nearby the Maas riverAs the history says, this place was the place where all the Dutch got off the ship to emigrate to New York, USA. Now it’s a hip hotel and a restaurant. The interior design of the restaurant was a modern industrial look, high ceiling, mix and match tables and chairs and the most interesting part was there was actually a ship inside this restaurant.

For appetizer I had fried squid with tartar sauce. I thought the portion would be just an appetizer portion but no it was enormous but as much as I love eating it i couldn’t finish it. I had to stop or otherwise I couldn’t eat the main course anymore. The squid was soft and not rubbery. The tartar sauce was also good.

Then after waiting for an eternity…ok this is a bit exxagerated, but it was true that we had to wait at least an hour for the main course. It seems that this place is so popular and crowded, service tend to be a bit slow. Finally my main course arrived. I had fried mackerel with provencale vegetables and rice. The taste was okay though not as much as I would expected, maybe because I was already half full from the fried squid. πŸ˜‰
Overall it’s a nice place to be seen and see people.


Sorry for the lack of post for the couple of weeks. (Hehehe kayak ada yang baca aja!!! :P) I have been busy with some stuff relating with my coming back home. And boy in 1 year one can really collect a lot of stuff (mostly junk). πŸ˜› So I had to sort them out in categories; to bring home, to chuck in the bin and to leave here.

Can’t wait to get back home though there’s one thing that I would definitely miss from Holland. The super duper fast internet connection. Tau sendiri kan koneksi di Indo super duper lambreta…So I am not sure what become if my blog when I am back home. :-s

See you Holland, wait for me next year. πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

Cap Cay

Cap cay is an Indonesian mixed vegetable dish that is influenced by Chinese food. It is supposed to consist of more than 10 different kinds of vegetables because cap in Fujian dialect means 10, but for me it doesn’t matter how many kinds of vegetables. My motto is just throw anything that is available. πŸ™‚

So for this cap cay I put broccoli, carrot, snow peas, green bean, sausage and chicken. For the chicken, I didn’t just fry it like that, but instead first I seasoned the chicken pieces with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Then I dipped the chicken pieces in beaten eggs, then onto some maizena, repeat the process one more time, deep fry it and voila crispy chicken. As for the cap cay spices I just simply used salt, pepper, crushed garlic, kecap manis, soy sauce and oyster sauce. Eat it warm with white rice . πŸ˜€

Dutch Food

My boyfriend cooked dinner today. So what to expect when a Dutch cooks? of course Dutch food. What is the typical Dutch food? It’s mostly consist of three portions of food; one portion of potato either baked, mashed, boiled, one portion of vegetables like carrots, peas, green bean, and one portion of meat. Food like that it’s alright as long as I don’t have to eat it everyday, I
still love my rice very much. Just joking honey. πŸ˜› I eat whatever you cook. πŸ™‚

Tempe Goreng pake Kecap Manis

The other day I was yearning for tempe. So I bought one from the asian store. Boy, back home usually it’s only Rp. 1.000,00/one loaf and here I had to pay more than 1 Euro for the same size. I didn’t make anything complicated with my tempe. I just deep fried it and ate it with hot nasi and kecap manis. Of course eaten by hand because that is so Indonesian, somehow food do taste better if you eat it by hand. Don’t you agree with me?

Tempe is so simple and so humble yet it has all the good nutritions that our body needs. No wonder it is so popular in our country because it’s also cheap and it’s everywhere.