For this challenge, I didn’t modify any ingredients because I wanted to see how would the cake turned out. And luckily I have all the ground spices so no need to buy anything extra for this challenge. Only there was no kenari (Javanese almond) available here, so I just used the normal almond. Even no baking powder or emulsifier needed. Though I did change the last bit of the step, I didn’t wait for 20 minutes to add the almond instead I just added right
from the start. Because from my experiences after 20 minutes the cake surface would be dry already therefore no almond would stick 😛 The end result was nice bouncy cake though it was a bit dry but it was expected, and we ate it just like the Dutch would eat it here, with slab of butter/margarine. In texture it was lighter and bouncier than the Dutch version. All in all it was a really easy cake to make, economic one also and taste wise it was approved by a real Dutch men 😉 as I quote here “it tasted better that shop bought ontbijtkoek” het was lekker toch schatie ^_*So sorry for the step by step pictures, you might wonder whatever happened with after all the ingredients were in the bowl then suddenly mixing was finish. Where were the middle processing….It was a long story but short version was, after the second picture, the card was full I used another one but that one was broken and I lost some pictures including the middle process of baking :s

– 125 gr palm sugar
– 5 egg yolks
– 3 egg whites
– 125 gr flour
– 1 tsp ground cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
– 1/4 tsp ground cloves
– 50 gr kenari (I used almond)

– Sift together cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and wheat flour. Set aside.
– Beat egg yolks, egg whites and palm sugar until thick and frothing.
– Add the sifted ingredients and stir well
– Pour into a loaf baking pan lined with grease-proof paper that has been brushed with butter and sprinkled with flour.
– Bake at 160C for about 20 minutes until half-done. Sprinkle with almond slices, continue baking for another 20 minutes until it is done. (I didn’t do it like this, instead I added almond right from the start of baking time)
Source: Book of Kue Kue Indonesia by Yasa Boga
Nyicip Onbijtkoek ke negara tetangga ahhh :).
ikutan ngintip hasil KBBnya ya sis. ^_^
clegukkkkk….hihihi aku seneng fotone ono crumbs'e berceceran. naturelll gitu