Comments on: Empal Daging and Sayur Kunci Bayam
Mon, 02 Feb 2009 01:34:00 +0000
By: gjscholtz
Mon, 02 Feb 2009 01:34:00 +0000 love the REAL Sajur Menir or also called Sajur Bayam. Eating with Empal daging is a good idea.>I usualy make Frikadel or Pan Frikadel and eat it together. My grandchildren who are born and raised in the US like this combination also.>One problem is the Temu Kunci – Ihave a small bottle and it is almost gone. >QUESTION: Where can you buy this Temu Kunci root. I checked it all troughout the internet but cannot find a store wher this is sold. Any one have an idea where to get this?? Please post it or send it to my email address [email protected]>I will apprecikate it very much!!