
Cupcake for Baby Leandro

Cupcake for Baby Leandro

Maap ye penonton (huh kayak ada yg nonton aja usah GR) postingannya kue fondant lagi. Mumpung aye masih semangat belajar oi πŸ™‚ The fondant topper weren’t perfect yet but at least I practiced a thing or two. Para suhu mohon bimbingannya ya.

Baby Leandro Cupcake Kolage

These cupcakes I made for one of my friend. She has just given birth to a handsome baby boy named Leandro. Gefeliciteerd met de baby ja πŸ˜€

My inspirations: Yulia, Titi, Thata, Wilton Celebrate with Fondant Book, Wilton Cupcake Fun

5 comments to Cupcake for Baby Leandro

  • Tinna Herawati Taufik

    Hii mba…aq mau tanya dunk, kan aq blm pernah memegang fondant. cara bikinnya gmn sich??boleh kenal lebih jauh nga? via e-mail or YM, pengen belajar masak euy…

  • Rurie

    Kalo mo YM-an add aja id blueiscool13.

  • Judith

    Foto2nya keren Rie.. tuh Fondantnya juga apik2 tenan! Dah lama aku pingin nyoba gawe Fondant tapi belum ada waktu luang πŸ™Good luck ya Rie πŸ˜€

  • deeTha

    suk ajar gawe figure romong witong yoooo πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  • Rurie

    @Judith: ayo bucil, asyik bgt lo nguprek fondant serasa mainan lilin malam aja πŸ˜€@Deetha: iku sik susah bude…ngko belajar sik πŸ˜€

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