I love these…ready made cake and bread. Easy for breakfast on the go. And they had many different variations in Italy.
I bought these in a sort of foo boutique, Peckish. They were pricey I remember. But I couldn’t resist myself.
Automatic machine for pasta. So picture this, you are hungry but you don’t have enough money to eat at the restaurant or enough time. You head to this machine. Put 5 euro in…wait for some minutes….tada tada…hot pasta is ready.
First time I’ve seen olives when they are still raw..of course I try to taste it..blah…it was not nice..a bit bitter…
In the back l to r; A revolutionary invention from ferrero… biscuit with nuttela chocolate spread as dipping and es thee (that’s what they call ice tea), cantuccini or Italian biscotti, Italian spirit we bought as a gift for Peter’s father and of course Italian olive oil. In the front are also something I never seen anywhere else. It’s sort of ice cream, all you have to do is freeze it in the freezer and voila ice cream. Haven’t taste them yet..report will follow soon.
Found hundreds kind of pasta and of course couldn’t buy them all!!! Here are some that I bought; Winnie the pooh pasta, Scooby doo pasta, Rice pasta, P***s pasta π also there were really really tiny winy star shape pasta, carburator pasta, wheel pasta and Famous Italian Building’s pasta.
Non food related finding were some magnets of course, some Murano glass work; earrings, pendant and glass candies, a set of necklace and earrings as a gift for Peter’s mother.
Came back from Italy with lots of kind of pasta, so Italian dinner party is a must! Invited Peter’s parents and there were also some friends (Eni and Hesti) at home this weekend because we wanted to celebrate Agustusan together at the Indonesian Embassy.
The menu were: Appetizer; tapenade of sweet chili pepper filled with cream cheese, pesto tapenade and black and green olives. Those were eaten with sort of Italian biscuit with olive oil taste…heerlijk. Sorry no photos of these…they were too nice we forgot to take pictures lol. Main Course; Pasta Bolognese, Salad ala Caprese, Green Salad and Ciabatta Bread Dessert; Eggless Tiramisu
The table with pasta and the bolognese sauce.
The Eggless Tiramisu…..the best tiramisu ever!!!! If you are wondering about the roses in the pink water. It’s easy to make yet looks so pretty. Cut the stem of the rose. Colored the water with some food coloring and put the rose in.
I made this as a dessert for a dinner with an Italian theme. The recipe was from NCC but I omit the egg because somehow I still can’t imagine myself eating raw egg :s But it turned out beautifully so don’t hesitate to try.
Recipe makes 1 square pan of 24×20 cm
Ingredients: – 250gr mascarpone cheese – 300ml whipping cream – 100gr fine (powder) sugar – 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Other ingredients: – 1 cup of black coffee (150ml) – 1 tbs sugar – 150ml coffee liquor ie: kahlua, tia maria (if you like) – 20 pcs/1 package lady fingers
Garnish: – some chocolate powder
How to make: – Whipped the mascarpone cheese until smooth, set aside. – Whipped the cream, powder sugar and vanilla essence until stiff and thick. – Mix together the whipped cream mix and mascarpone cheese, set aside in the fridge so it won’t melt. – In other bowl, mix the coffee with sugar and coffee liquor (optional), set aside.
Finishing: – Arrange half of the lady finger in the pan. – Sprinkle with half of the coffee mixture. – Pour half of the mascarpone mixture on top of the lady fingers – Repeat this process one more time. – Let cool in the fridge for at least 4 hours. – Before serving it shift cocoa powder on top of the tiramisu with a tea strainer.
Tips: – To successfully whip the cream, make sure you put the mixing bowl and the beaters in the freezer for minimum 3 hours to make them cold!!
Salah satu resep anadalan Bapak aku di rumah π Mie Ayam ala Surabaya lengkap dengan acar timun.Cobain deh!!!!
Ingredients: – 1 pack fresh egg noodle (if you can’t find any dry egg noodle will do)
For the topping: Mushroom Chicken – 300 gr chicken meat cubes (better if it’s from the thigh so the meat is juicier) – 3 garlic finely minced – 3 spring onion sliced – 200 gr button mushroom (canned mushroom is also good) – 1 tbs kecap manis – 1 tbs soy sauce – 1 tbs oyster sauce – 1 tsp salt – 1 tsp pepper – 1 tbs sesame oil – some cooking oil
– Heat some cooking oil in a wok. – Add garlic when the oil is hot, stir until garlic is fragrant and turns color. – Add chicken meat, stir well until chicken turns color. – Add mushroom and spring onion. – Add the rest of the ingredients except sesame oil. – Let it simmer until done. – Turn off fire and add sesame oil, stir well.
For the chicken broth – Some chicken bone (you can use the thigh bone after taking out all the meat for the topping) – 3 garlic – 3 liter water – some salt and pepper – some sliced spring onion – some drops of sesame oil
– Boil all ingredients except spring onion and sesame oil for minimum 1 hours, the longer the better as the taste will get deeper. – If the water decreasing, add more water. – After you are done add spring onion and sesame oil.
Condiments: Minyak Ayam (Chicken Oil) – Chicken fat
– Put chicken fat in a pan until it melts and only some skins left dry, set aside.
Acar Timun (Cucumber Pickle) – 1 cucumber – 1 small carrot – 3 shallots – bird’s eye chili (optional) – vinegar according to taste – sugar according to taste
– Clean cucumber, carrot and shallots. – Throw away the centre of the cucumber, so only use the hard part. – Cut cucumber and carrot like a matchstick. – Cut shallots into 2 pieces. – Mix all ingredients in a small closed container, shake and keep in the refrigerator until used.
Sambal Mie Ayam – 10 or more according to taste bird’s eye chili – pinch of salt
– Boil chilies in the chicken broth until tender. – Mash chilies with salt in a pestle and mortar until smooth. – Put it in a bowl and add a little bit (2 tbs) chicken broth.
Other condiments: – Pangsit Goreng (Fried Wantan) – Pangsit Rebus (Boiled Wantan) the same recipe as pangsit goreng but boiled – Bakso (Meatball) – Sawi hijau or paksoy shredded – Spring onions sliced – Kecap Manis– Soy Sauce – Salt – Pepper – Sesame Oil (if you like) – Tomato Ketchup
Finishing: – Boil noodle according to direction in the package. – Spoon 1 tsp chicken oil, then just a little bit of kecap manis, soy sauce, salt, pepper (according to taste so you have to taste it afterwards) in the serving bowl. – Pour 1 portion of noodle in the bowl. – Pour chicken broth, chicken topping, the rest of the condiments as desired. – Sprinkle spring onions and sesame oil as desired. – Selamat Makan!!!
Day 2, another 600km to go before Venice. We drove through Austria (Insbruk). What I liked along the way from was the castle. There were so many castles along the way, I lost count of them. And most of them stand graciously up the hill π I wonder how did it feel to live there and how did they manage to build such a castle in a such a difficult height. But what I didn’t really like along the way was we had to pay highway fare in Austria and Italy. Unlike in Holland and Germany where the highway fare is included in the tax.
Along the Alpen’s hill were also lots and lots of grape’s garden. I guess it is for making wine since Italian wine is quiet popular esp. Chianti and Prosecco kind. The gardens are neatly laid under the hill like a terrace. So if in Indonesia we can find rice terrace here in Italy we can see grape’s terrace.
The view along the way was also breath taking. The high mountains Alps with all the cute little village lined up neatly on it’s hill. I felt out of this world because I have never seen anything like that. But as cute as it was I don’t think I could survive if I had to live there :s in a village esp. remote one…..
Our first dinner was this ready made pasta package. So what we had to do was boiled some water, poured the pasta in and it’s ready in 5 mins. It’s similar like our instant noodles.
 And this was our camping site in Venice, Joker Camping Village. It wasn’t really our first pick but since our first pick was full, yes it was high season and we didn’t bother to book the place π I would say for a 4 star camping village this place is a bit tad expensive (35 euro for a night for 2 adults with a car and a tent) and very lack of hospitality esp. from an old lady at the receptionist. She was grumpy, talking in a high pitch and wouldn’t give any full information about stuff that we asked. And the camping place was not very green, a bit dusty also. The grass was dying out, I know that it is situated on the beach but come on….keep up the grass for the business will ya!!
But of course there are some plus point. They had a swimmimg pool that guest can use for free. But of course we didn’t have time to use the swimming pool since we were busy roaming around the city centre the whole day long. Another plus point that they had a common freezer for guest to use. So if you need to re-freeze your ice packs for your coolbox you can use it there for free. We used it to cool our drinks at night so ot would be nice for the day after. Other plus point that in every camping place there was an electric socket that guest could use to recharge digital camera or if you have an electric coolbox you could switch it there also. As for showers thank God they didn’t use coin system so you could shower as long as you like. Then again as for hyegine I would give them ok sign because I have seen worst later.
 And the best part is this private beach of the camping site. It’s just 100m walk to the back of the camping site. Of course it was really crowded with people trying to get a tan but what surprised me that the water was warm just llike in Bali π
Pengen rujak tapi ngga ada yang jual, terpaksa buat sendiri deh.
– 1 mango sliced – 1 cucumber sliced – 100 gr palm sugar – 1/2 tsp salt – 2 bird’s eye chili (or more according to your taste bud) – 1/2 tsp terasi – some water
– Mix all the ingredients excep the fruit in a pestle and mortar until smooth. – Add some water until the desired consistency. – Serve the fruit with the sauce.
ps : feel free to use any kind of fruit that you like preferably watery tropical fruit ie; pineapple, water guava, kedondong etc
 This is the camping site; Campingplatz Obermenzing. It’s nearby the highway so it was easy to reach. Plus: cheap price; 17 euro per night for 2 adults with a tent and a car, the camping site it’s so green with lots of trees. Minus: they still used coin system for shower meaning 1 coin (1 euro) for 6 minutes hot shower.
Our tent at the camping site in Munchen, Germany. It is about 800km from Gouda and we drove for around 8 hours from 10am – 6pm. Of course with a lots of stops in between for eating, coffee, toilet π

Finally we are back home after 10 days on the road. It was good to be away but it is always better to go home π
Quick recap from our holiday. As you can see from the image below is our route for 10 days.
Day 1, 4th August 2008 : Gouda, Netherlands – Munchen, Germany Day 2, 5th August 2008 : Munchen, Germany – Venice, Italy Day 3-4, 6-7th August 2008 : Sightseeing in Venice Day 5, 8th August 2008 : Venice, Italy – Florence, Italy also a little bit sightseeing in Florence Day 6, 9th August 2008 : Sightseeing in Florence Day 7, 10th August 2008 : Florence, Italy – Milan, Italy. Stopped by for sightseeing in Pisa Day 8, 11st August 2008 : Sightseeing in Milan Day 9, 12nd August 2008 : Milan, Italy – Munchen, Germany. Stopped by for sightseeing in Verona Day 10, 13rd August 2008 : Munchen, Germany – Gouda, Netherlands
The plus of Italy: – Nice food of course esp. Italian Ice Cream (gelati). – Nice weather though sometimes tend to be too hot :s – Lots of interesting places to see (esp. if you like history of art, middle ages, renaissance etc). – Cheaper benzine price from Netherlands π
The minus of Italy: – NOT very friendly people on earth, tend to be grumpy π in the whole holidays only met 2 nice Italians. – Some stuff can be really expensive in Italy esp. in tourist area ie; 20 euro for a 24 hours public transport ticket in Venice.
Will post more for pictures etc.
Capek juga oui…so we are going on holiday. It won’t be long only for approx 2 weeks π See you guys with holiday story π
I made this also for this pesta bakso with Hanna and Isma.
Ingredients: – 1 blok tempe (250gr) sliced thinly – 3 garlic smashed – 1 tsp salt – 1 tsp powdered coriander – 3 tsp candlenut paste – 100 gr flour – 50 gr rice flour – 2 spring onions sliced thinly – 300 ml water – oil for deep frying
– Mixed all the ingrdients except the tempe. – Heat up oil in a wok. – Coat tempe with the coating mixture and fry until golden brown. – Serve with sambal kecap or bird eye’s chili.
My First Award, Thank You!
Whittycute Foodie Event
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