
Valentine Dinner

Chicken Tandoori

My Plate

Pulao Rice

Lamb Curry and Vegetable Curry

Indian Restaurant Taj Mahal, Lange Tiendeweg, Gouda

Mashed Potato with Omelette and Green Peas

Fried Chicken with Honey Lemon Marinade

– 500 gr of chicken pieces
– 3 tbs honey
– 3 tbs lemon juice
– 3 cloves garlic crushed
– salt
– pepper

– Mixed lemon juice, honey and crushed garlic.
– Marinade the chicken pieces minimum 1 hour.
– Deep fried the chicken until it’s done.

Dutch Food

My boyfriend cooked dinner today. So what to expect when a Dutch cooks? of course Dutch food. What is the typical Dutch food? It’s mostly consist of three portions of food; one portion of potato either baked, mashed, boiled, one portion of vegetables like carrots, peas, green bean, and one portion of meat. Food like that it’s alright as long as I don’t have to eat it everyday, I
still love my rice very much. Just joking honey. πŸ˜› I eat whatever you cook. πŸ™‚

Ayam Kuluyuk yang Ngga Ngeluyuk

What is it with the silly title? I am sure all of you know that dish ayam kuluyuk with the pineapple and sweet and sour sauce. But since this guy doesn’t like pineapple or most of fruit in general, so I had to omit the pineapple. I wanted to use paprika but this guy doesn’t like paprika as well. πŸ˜› Ok ok so I omitted that too. Instead of those two I used carrots and green bean. That is why I came up with that name. But nevertheless the taste was delicious. πŸ˜€ slurp slurp

Ayam goreng kecap

Cuaca jelek bener di luar, gelap, hujan. Ini yang namanya musim panas??? Dimananya yang panas sih?? “sigh”

Anyway kegiatan hari ini ga banyak, siang ambil sepeda di tukang reparasi. Ya ampyuun cuman ganti ban dalem aje 17.50 euro. Di Indo apa udah bisa untuk reparasi mobil tuh? Hehehe πŸ˜› Sutralah kalo semua di konversi ke rupiah sakit hati deh n ngga beli apa-apa.

Ngomongin hal-hal yang asyik aja d ah, seperti makanan πŸ˜€ Hehehe selalu d. Tadi masak ayam goreng kecap sama tumis paksoy saus tiram. Ini nih gambarnya.
Udah beberapa hari ini pengen makan ayam goreng kecap. Teringat ayam goreng kecap buatan ibu di rumah. Slurp slurp…ambilin ember donk. Ngiler ngiler ga jelas nih.